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今月の臨床 子宮頸がん撲滅へ向けた戦略―ワクチンと検診の新たなトレンドは?



著者: 黒澤めぐみ1 工藤梨沙1 関根正幸2

所属機関: 1新潟大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 2琉球大学大学院医学研究科女性・生殖医学講座

ページ範囲:P.519 - P.524


●NIIGATA STUDYは,新潟県のHPVワクチンの公費接種世代を含む20代女性を対象として,自治体の子宮がん検診受診者を登録し,HPV感染率,細胞診異常率,組織診異常率をワクチン接種群と非接種群とで比較する横断研究である.




1)Drolet M, et al;HPV Vaccination Impact Study Group : Population-level impact and herd effects following the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination programmes : updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 394 : 497-509, 2019
2)Luostarinen T, et al : Vaccination protects against invasive HPV-associated cancers. Int J Cancer 142 : 2186-2187, 2018
3)Lei J, et al : HPV vaccination and the risk of invasive cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 383 : 1340-1348, 2020
4)Sekine M, et al : Japanse crisis of HPV vaccination. Int J Pathol Clin Res 2 : 2469-5807, 2016
5)Hanley SJ, et al : HPV vaccination crisis in Japan. Lancet 385 : 2571, 2015
6)Ikeda S, et al : Human papillomavirus vaccine to prevent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Japan : a nationwide case-control study. Cancer Sci 112 : 839-846, 2021
7)Tanaka H, et al : Preventive effect of human papillomavirus vaccination on the development of uterine cervical lesions in young Japanese women. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 43 : 1597-1601, 2017
8)Ozawa N, et al : Beneficial effects of human papillomavirus vaccine for prevention of cervical abnormalities in Miyagi, Japan. Tohoku J Exp Med 240 : 147-151, 2016
9)Konno R, et al : Effectiveness of HPV vaccination against high grade cervical lesions in Japan. Vaccine 36 : 7913-7915, 2018
10)Yamaguchi M, et al : Differential misclassification between self-reported status and official HPV vaccination records in Japan : Implications for evaluating vaccine safety and effectiveness. Papillomavirus Res 6 : 6-10, 2018
11)Sekine M, et al : Problems with catch-up HPV vaccination after resumption of proactive recommendations. Lancet Oncol 23 : 972-973, 2022
12)Kudo R, et al : Bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness in a Japanese population : high vaccine-type-specific effectiveness and evidence of cross-protection. J Infect Dis 219 : 382-390, 2019
13)Kudo R, et al : Effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccine against cervical precancer in Japan : multivariate analyses adjusted for sexual activity. Cancer Sci 113 : 3211-3220, 2022
14)Porras C, et al : Efficacy of the bivalent HPV vaccine against HPV 16/18-associated precancer : long-term follow-up results from the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial. Lancet Oncol 21 : 1643-1652, 2020
15)Kjaer SK, et al : Final analysis of a 14-year long-term follow-up study of the effectiveness and immunogenicity of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in women from four nordic countries. EClinicalMedicine 23 : 100401, 2020
16)Kurosawa M, et al : Long-term effectiveness of HPV vaccination against HPV infection in young Japanese women : real-world data. Cancer Sci 113 : 1435-1440, 2022
17)Sekine M, et al : Suspension of proactive recommendations for HPV vaccination has led to a significant increase in HPV infection rates in young Japanese women : real-world data. Lancet Reg Health West Pac 16 : 100300, 2021





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