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今月の主題 アレルギー疾患の現況と今後の展望 話題


著者: 永井博弌1

所属機関: 1岐阜薬科大学臨床薬理学研究室

ページ範囲:P.781 - P.786

1. はじめに



1) 永井博弌:抗アレルギー薬開発の問題点:アレルギー性機能分子の制御によるアレルギー治療へのアプローチ.アレルギー 47:475-483, 1998
2) Holgate ST, Peters-Golden M, Panettieri RA, et al:Roles of cysteinyl leukotrienes in airway inflammation, smooth muscle function, and remodeling. J Allergy Clin Immunol 111:S18-34, 2003
3) Kawada N, Yamada T, Takahashi Y, et al:The effect of leukotriene D(4) inhalation on the antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in 5-lipoxygenase gene-deficient mice. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 126:309-317, 2001
4) Henderson WR Jr, Tang LO, Chu SJ, et al:A role for cysteinyl leukotrienes in airway remodeling in a mouse asthma model. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 165:108-116, 2002
5) Schottelius AJ, Giesen C, Asadullah K, et al:An aspirin-triggered lipoxin A4 stable analog displays a unique topical anti-inflammatory profile. J Immunol 169:7063-7070, 2002
6) Levy BD, De Sanctis GT, Devchand PR, et al:Multi-prolonged inhibition of airway hyper-responsiveness and inflammation by lipoxin A(4). Nat Med 8:1018-1023, 2002
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11) Matsuoka T, Hirata M, Tanaka H, et al:Prostaglandin D2 as a mediator of allergic asthma. Science 287:2013-2017, 2000
12) Hirai H, Tanaka K, Yoshie O, et al:Prostaglandin D2 selectively induces chemotaxis in T helper type 2 cells, eosinophils, and basophils via seven-transmembrane receptor CRTH2. J Exp Med 193:255-261, 2001
13) Monneret G, Gravel S, Diamond M, et al:Prostaglandin D2 is a potent chemoattractant for human eosinophils that acts via a novel DP receptor. Blood 98:1942-1948, 2001
14) Gervais FG, Cruz RPG, Chateauneuf A, et al:Selective modulation of chemokinesis, degranulation, and apoptosis in eosinophils through the PGD2 receptor CRTH2 and DP. J Allergy Clin Immunol 108:982-988, 2001
15) Hirai H, Tanaka K, Takano S, et al:Agonistic effect of indomethacin on a prostaglandin D2 receptor, CRTH2. J Immunol 168:981-985, 2002
16) Takahashi Y, Tokuoka S, Masuda T, et al:Augmentation of allergic inflammation in prostanoid IP receptor deficient mice. Br J Pharimacol 137:315-322, 2002
17) Nagao K, Tanaka H, Komai M, et al:Role of prostaglandin I2 in airway remodeling induced by repeated allergen challenge in mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 29:314-320, 2003
18) Martin JG, Suzuki M, Maghni K, et al:The immunomodulatory actions of prostaglandin E2 on allergic airway responses in the rat. J Immunol 169:3963-3969, 2002
19) Jaffar Z, Wan KS, Roberts K:A key role for prostaglandin I2 in limiting lung mucosal Th2, but not Th1, responses to inhaled allergen. Immunol 169:5997-6004, 2002
20) Parker CW, Huber MG, Godt SM:Modulation of IL-4 production in murine spleen cells by prostaglandins. Cell Immunol 160:278-285, 1995
21) Gomi K, Zhu FG, Marshall JS:Prostaglandin E2 selectively enhances the IgE-mediated production of IL-6 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor by mast cells through an EP1/EP3-dependent mechanism. J Immunol 165:6545-6552, 2000
22) Fujitani Y, Kanaoka Y, Aritake K, et al:Pronounced eosinophilic lung inflammation and Th2 cytokine release in human lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase transgenic mice. J Immunol 168:443-449, 2002
23) Honda K, Arima M, Cheng G, et al:Prostaglandin D2 reinforces Th2 type inflammatory responses of airways to low-dose antigen through bronchial expression of macrophage-derived chemokine. J Exp Med 198:533-543, 2003
24) Noguchi E, Shibasaki M, Kamioka M, et al:New polymorphisms of haematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase and human prostanoid DP receptor genes. Clin Exp Allergy 32:93-96, 2002
25) Oguma T, Palmer LJ, Birben E, et al:Role of prostanoid DP receptor variants in susceptibility to asthma. N Engl J Med 351:1752-1763, 2004
26) Komai M, Tanaka H, Masuda T, et al:Role of Th2 responses in the development of allergen-induced airway remodelling in a murine model of allergic asthma. Br J Pharmacol 138:912-920, 2003
27) Stratton R, Shiwen X, Martini G, et al:Iloprost suppresses connective tissue growth factor production in fibroblasts and in the skin of scleroderma patients. J Clin Invest 108:241-250, 2001





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