今月の主題 インフルエンザ診療のブレークスルー
1) 川上千春,七種美和子:インフルエンザウイルスの病原診断法.内科 98:798-803,2006
2) 川上千春,七種美和子:インフルエンザの診断と治療―ウイルス分離とPCR.治療学 40:1304-1310,2006
3) Morishita T, Nobusawa E, Nakajima K, et al:Studies on the molecular basis for loss of the ability of recent influenza A(H1N1)virus strains to agglutinate chicken erythrocytes. J Gen Virol 77:2499-2506, 1996
4) Nobusawa E, Ishihara H, Morishita T, et al:Change in receptor-binding specificity of recent human influenza A viruses(H3N2):a single amino acid change in hemagglutinin altered its recognition of sialyloligosaccharides. Virology 278:587-596, 2000
5) 国立感染症研究所:病原体検査マニュアル,高病原性鳥インフルエンザ,2006年6月
6) 池戸正成:新規遺伝子増幅法 LAMP法.日本臨床微生物学雑誌 15:1-8,2005
7) 中川直子,伊藤正寛:タイより帰国した邦人からインフルエンザウイルスAH3型が検出された2例―神戸市.病原微生物検出情報 26:303,2005
8) Poon LLM, Leung CSW, Chan KH, et al:Detection of human influenza A viruses by loop-mediatcd isothermal amplification. J Clin Microbiol 43:427-430, 2005
9) 大楠清文,石和田稔彦,江崎孝行:5)遺伝子検査(2)特定菌検出―ウイルス.検査と技術 33:1218-1222,2005
10) Telles JN, Billaud G, Lefeuvre A, et al:Evaluation of a real-time NASBA assay for the detection of influenza A and B viruses in clinical respiratory samples. 15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen, 2005
11) Moore C, Valappil M, Corden S, et al:Enhanced clinical utility of the NucliSens EasyQ RSV A+B Assay for rapid detection of respiratory syncytial virus in clinical samples. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infeect Dis 25:167-174, 2006
12) Hibbitts S, Rahman A, John R, et al:Development and evaluation of NucliSens basic kit NASBA for diagnosis of parainfluenza virus infection with ‘end-point' and ‘real-time' detection. J Virol Methods 108:145-55, 2003
13) Loens K, Goossens H, de Laat C, et al:Detection of rhinoviruses by tissue culture and two independent amplification techniques, nucleic acid sequence-based amplification and reverse transcription-PCR, in children with acute respiratory infections during a Winter Season. J Clin Microbiol 44:166-171, 2006
14) Ginocchio, et al:Evaluation of the NucliSENS hMPV Analyte Specific Reagents(ASRs)for the Real-Time Detection of Human Metapneumovirus(hMPV)in Pediatric Respiratory Specimens. American Society for Microbiology, 2006
15) Dawson ED, Moore CL, Smagala JA, et al:MChip:a tool for influenza surveillance. Anal Chem 78:7610-7615, 2006
16) 産業技術総合研究所:遺伝子(DNA)の新たな定量方法を開発―簡便・正確・低コストの実現.〈http://www.aist.go.jp/aist_j/press_release/pr2007/pr20070529/pr20070529.html〉
17) 近藤寿恵,宇治家武史,松山優佳,他:新しいノロウイルスの検出法(NASBA-核酸クロマト法).臨床病理 54:131,2006