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今月の主題 エピジェネティクスと臨床検査 トピックス


著者: 副島英伸1

所属機関: 1佐賀大学医学部分子生命科学講座分子遺伝学エピジェネティクス分野

ページ範囲:P.683 - P.688




1) Edwards CA, Ferguson-Smith AC:Mechanisms regulating imprinted genes in clusters. Curr Opin Cell Biol 19:281-289, 2007
2) Walter J, Paulsen M:Imprinting and disease. Semin Cell Dev Biol 14:101-110, 2003
3) Weksberg R, Shuman C, Smith AC:Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 137:12-23, 2005
4) Mancini-Dinardo D, Steele SJ, Levorse JM, et al:Elongation of the Kcnq1ot1 transcript is required for genomic imprinting of neighboring genes. Genes Dev 20:1268-1282, 2006
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6) Weksberg R, Nishikawa J, Caluseriu O, et al:Tumor development in the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is associated with a variety of constitutional molecular 11p15 alterations including imprinting defects of KCNQ1OT1. Hum Mol Genet 10:2989-3000, 2001
7) Kagami M, Nishimura G, Okuyama T, et al:Silver-Russell syndrome in a girl born after in vitro fertilization:partial hypermethylation at the differentially methylated region of PEG1/MEST. J Assist Reprod Genet 24:131-136, 2007
8) Delaval K, Wagschal A, Feil R:Epigenetic deregulation of imprinting in congenital diseases of aberrant growth. Bioessays 28:453-459, 2006
9) Gicquel C, Rossignol S, Cabrol S, et al:Epimutation of the telomeric imprinting center region on chromosome 11p15 in Silver-Russell syndrome. Nat Genet 37:1003-1007, 2005
10) Schönherr N, Meyer E, Roos A, et al:The centromeric 11p15 imprinting centre is also involved in Silver-Russell syndrome. J Med Genet 44:59-63, 2007
11) Weinstein LS, Liu J, Sakamoto A, et al:GNAS:normal and abnormal functions. Endocrinology 145:5459-5464, 2004
12) Williamson CM, Turner MD, Ball ST, et al:Identification of an imprinting control region affecting the expression of all transcripts in the Gnas cluster. Nat Genet 38:350-355, 2006
13) Mackay DJ, Coupe AM, Shield JP, et al:Relaxation of imprinted expression of ZAC and HYMAI in a patient with transient neonatal diabetes mellitus. Hum Genet 110:139-144, 2002
14) Kagami M, Sekita Y, Nishimura G, et al:Deletions and epimutations affecting the human 14q32.2 imprinted region in individuals with paternal and maternal upd(14)-like phenotypes. Nat Genet 40:237-242, 2008
15) Jelinic P, Shaw P:Loss of imprinting and cancer. J Pathol 211:261-268, 2007
16) Kaneda A, Feinberg AP:Loss of imprinting of IGF2:a common epigenetic modifier of intestinal tumor risk. Cancer Res 65:11236-11240, 2005
17) Jacob S, Moley KH:Gametes and embryo epigenetic reprogramming affect developmental outcome:implication for assisted reproductive technologies. Pediatr Res 58:437-446, 2005
18) Varrault A, Gueydan C, Delalbre A, et al:Zac1 regulates an imprinted gene network critically involved in the control of embryonic growth. Dev Cell 11:711-722, 2006





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