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今月の主題 腎移植 総説


著者: 高橋公太1

所属機関: 1新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科腎泌尿器病態学分野

ページ範囲:P.741 - P.748



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2) Takahashi K, Saito K, Takahara S, et al:The Japanese ABO-incompatible Kideny Transplantation Committee. Excellent long-term outcome of ABO-incompatible living donor kidney transplantation in Japan. Am J Transplant 4:1089-1096, 2004
3) Takahashi K, Saito K:The Japanese ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation Committee. Present status of ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation in Japan. Xenotransplantation 13:118-122, 2006
4) Takahashi K:ABO-incompatible organ transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 12:409-414, 2007
5) 高橋公太:わが国のABO血液型不適合腎移植の統計,第11回アンケート調査報告.今日の移植 20:552-564, 2007
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16) Takahashi K:Timing of the start of immunosuppressive therapy(duration of desensitization therapy). In:Accommodation in ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation, Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp94-95, 2004
17) Saito K, Nakagawa Y, Takahashi K, et al:Pinpoint targeted immunosuppression;Anti-CD20/MMF desensitization with anti-CD25 in successful ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation without splenectomy. Xenotransplantation 13:111-117, 2006
18) Takahashi K:A new immunosuppressive therapy in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation based on a new concept of accommodation. In:ABO-incompatible Organ Transplantation from Japan(Takahashi K, Ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp73-87, 2006
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20) Takahashi K:Effects and complications of splenectomy. In:Accommodation in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp81-83, 2004





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