今月の主題 自然免疫と生体防御レクチン
1) Dommett RM, Klein N, Turner MW:Mannose-binding lectin in innate immunity:past, present and future. Tissue Antigens 68:193-209, 2006
2) Bouwman LH, Roep BO, Roos A:Mannose-binding lectin:Clinical implications for infection, transplantation, and autoimmunity. Hum Immunol 67:247-256, 2006
3) Horiuchi T, Gondo H, Miyagawa H, et al:Association of MBL gene polymorphisms with major bacterial infection in patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous PBSCT. Genes Immun 6:162-166, 2005
4) Dahl M, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Schnohr P, et al:A population-based study of morbidity and mortality in mannose-binding lectin deficiency. J Exp Med 199:1391-1399, 2004
5) Hibberd ML, Sumiya M, Summerfield JA, et al:Association of variants of the gene for mannose-binding lectin with susceptibility to meningococcal disease. Lancet 353:1049-1053, 1999
6) Neth O, Hann I, Turner MW, et al:Deficiency of mannose-binding lectin and burden of infection in children with malignancy:a prospective study. Lancet 358:614-618, 2001
7) Vekemans M, Georgala A, Heymans C, et al:Influence of mannan binding lectin serum levels on the risk of infection during chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in adult haematological cancer patients. Clin Microbiol Infect 11:20, 2005
8) Bergmann OJ, Christiansen M, Laursen I, et al:Low levels of mannose-binding lectin do not affect occurrence of severe infections or duration of fever in acute myeloid leukaemia during remission induction therapy. Eur J Haematol 70:91-97, 2003
9) Mullighan CG, Heatley S, Doherty K, et al:Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms are associated with major infection following allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation. Blood 99:3524-3529, 2002
10) Rocha V, Franco RF, Porcher R, et al:Host defense and inflammatory gene polymorphisms are associated with outcomes after HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation. Blood 100:3908-3918, 2002
11) Garred P, Harboe M, Oettinger T, et al:Dual role of mannan-binding protein in infections. another case of heterosis? Eur J Immunogenet 21:125-131, 1994
12) Thomas HC, Foster GR, Sumiya M, et al:Mutation of gene of mannose-binding protein associated with chronic hepatitis B viral infection, Lancet 348:1417-1419, 1996
13) Hakozaki Y, Yoshiba M, Sekiyama K, et al:Mannose-binding lectin and the prognosis of fulminant hepatic failure caused by HBV infection, Liver 22:29-34, 2002
14) Garred P, Madsen HO, Balslev U, et al:Susceptibility to HIV infection and progression of AIDS in relation to variant alleles of mannose-binding lectin. Lancet 349:236-240, 1997
15)Øhlenschlaeger T, Garred P, Madsen HO et al:Mannose-binding lectin variant alleles and the risk of arterial thrombosis in systemic lupus erythematosus, N Engl J Med 351:260-267, 2004
16) Horiuchi T, Tsukamoto H, Morita C, et al:Mannose binding lectin (MBL) gene mutation is not a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Japanese. Genes Immun 1:464-466, 2000
17) Lee YH, Witte T, Momot T, et al:The mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus:Two case-control studies and a meta-analysis. Arthritis Rheum 52:3966-3974, 2005
18) Graudal NA, Homann C, Madsen HO, et al:Mannan binding lectin in rheumatoid arthritis. A longitudinal study. J Rheumatol 25:629-635, 1998
19) Biezeveld MH, Kuipers IM, Geissler J, et al:Association of mannose-binding lectin genotype with cardiovascular abnormalities in Kawasaki disease. Lancet 361:1268-1270, 2003
20) Cheung YF, Ho MH, Ip WK, et al:Modulating effects of mannose binding lectin genotype on arterial stiffness in children after Kawasaki Disease. Pediatr Res 56:591-596, 2004
21) Kamesh L, Heward JM, Williams JM, et al:Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphysm in a cohort study of ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis. Rheumatology(Oxford) 46:1076-1078, 2007
22) Rector A, Lemey P, Laffut W, et al:Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) gene polymorphisms in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Genes Immun 2:323-328, 2001
23) Shi L, Takahashi K, Dundee J, et al:Mannose-binding Lectin-deficient Mice Are Susceptible to Infection with Staphylococcus aureus. J Exp Med 199:1379-1390, 2004
24) Gadjeva M, Paludan SR, Thiel S, et al:Mannan-binding lectin modulates the response to HSV-2 infection. Clin Exp Immunol 138:304-311, 2004
25) Stuart LM, Takahashi K, Shi L, et al:Mannose-binding lectin-deficient mice display defective apoptotic cell clearance but no autoimmune phenotype. J Immunol 174:3220-3226, 2005
26) Valdimarsson H, Vikingsdottir T, Bang P, et al:Human plasma-derived mannose-binding lectin:a phase I safety and pharmacokinetic study. Scand J Immunol 59:97-102, 2004
27) Brouwer N, Frakking F, Houdt, et al:Phase II study on mannan-binding lectin (MBL) substitution in MBL-deficient children with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Mol Immunol 44:3944, 2007