今月の主題 自然免疫と生体防御レクチン
フィコリン-MASP複合体は,抗体の関与なしに補体系を活性化するレクチン経路の異物認識分子である.L-ficolinとH-ficolinは血液中に認められ,M-ficolinは好中球や単球の分泌蛋白質である.L-ficolinは試験管内で,臨床上重要なStaphylococcus aureus やStreptococcus agalactiae に結合し補体系を活性化することができる.フィコリンは,特に獲得免疫が不完全な新生児や乳児において感染防御に重要な役割を担っている可能性が示唆されている.
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2) Matsushita M, Endo Y, Fujita T:Cutting edge:complement-activating complex of ficolin and mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease. J Immunol 164:2281-2284, 2000
3) Matsushita M, Kuraya M, Hamasaki N, et al:Activation of the lectin complement pathway by H-ficolin(Hakata antigen). J Immunol 168:3502-3506, 2002
4) Liu Y, Endo Y, Iwaki D, et al:Human M-ficolin is a secretory protein that activates the lectin complement pathway. J Immunol 175:3150-3156, 2005
5) Frankenberger M, Schwaeble W, Ziegler-Heitbrock L:Expression of M-Ficolin in human monocytes and macrophages. Mol Immunol 45:1424-1430, 2008
6) Sugimoto R, Yae Y, Akaiwa M, et al:Cloning and characterization of the Hakata antigen, a member of the ficolin/opsonin p35 lectin family. J Biol Chem 273:20721-20727, 1998
7) Krarup A, Thiel S, Hansen A, et al:L-ficolin is a pattern recognition molecule specific for acetyl groups. J Biol Chem 279:47513-47519, 2004
8) Frederiksen PD, Thiel S, Larsen CB, et al:M-ficolin, an innate immune defence molecule, binds patterns of acetyl groups and activates complement. Scand J Immunol 62:462-473, 2005
9) Krarup A, Sørensen UB, Matsushita M, et al:Effect of capsulation of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria on binding of the pattern recognition molecules mannan-binding lectin, L-ficolin, and H-ficolin. Infect Immun 73:1052-1060, 2005
10) Lynch NJ, Roscher S, Hartung T, et al:L-ficolin specifically binds to lipoteichoic acid, a cell wall constituent of Gram-positive bacteria, and activates the lectin pathway of complement. J Immunol 172:1198-1202, 2004
11) Atkinson AP, Cedzynski M, Szemraj J, et al:L-ficolin in children with recurrent respiratory infections. Clin Exp Immunol 138:517-520, 2004
12) Bisgaard H, Hermansen MN, Buchvald F, et al:Childhood asthma after bacterial colonization of the airway in neonates. N Engl J Med 357:1487-1495, 2007
13) Talbot TR, Hartert TV, Mitchel E, et al:Asthma as a risk factor for invasive pneumococcal disease. N Engl J Med 352:2082-2090, 2005
gene determine serum variation and function of Ficolin-2. Hum Mol Genet 14:1651-1658, 2005
gene are not associated with invasive pneumococcal disease. Mol Immunol 44:3267-3270, 2007
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17) Aoyagi Y, Adderson EE, Min JG, et al:Role of L-ficolin/mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease complexes in the opsonophagocytosis of type Ⅲ group B streptococci. J Immunol 174:418-425, 2005
18) Takahashi S, Adderson EE, Nagano Y, et al:Identification of a highly encapsulated, genetically related group of invasive type Ⅲ group B streptococci. J Infect Dis 177:1116-1119, 1998
19) Luan SL, Granlund M, Sellin M, et al:Multilocus sequence typing of Swedish invasive group B streptococcus isolates indicates a neonatally associated genetic lineage and capsule switching. J Clin Microbiol 43:3727-3733, 2005
20) Lin FY, Whiting A, Adderson E, et al:Phylogenetic lineages of invasive and colonizing strains of serotype Ⅲ group B Streptococci from neonates:a multicenter prospective study. J Clin Microbiol 44:1257-1261, 2006
21) Lin FY, Weisman LE, Azimi PH, et al:Level of maternal IgG anti-group B streptococcus type Ⅲ antibody correlated with protection of neonates against early-onset disease caused by this pathogen. J Infect Dis 190:928-934, 2004
22) Le Y, Lee SH, Kon OL, et al:Human L-ficolin:plasma levels, sugar specificity, and assignment of its lectin activity to the fibrinogen-like (FBG) domain. FEBS Lett 425:367-370, 1998