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今月の主題 自然免疫と生体防御レクチン



著者: 大井洋之1

所属機関: 1順天堂大学医学部腎臓内科学講座

ページ範囲:P.893 - P.898




1) Fujita T, Matsushita M, Endo Y:The lectin-complement pathway―its role in innate immunity and evolution. Immunol Rev 198:185-202, 2004
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3) Endo M, Ohi H, Ohsawa I, et al:Glomerular deposition of mannose-binding lectin(MBL)indicates a novel mechanism of complement activation in IgA nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 13:1984-1990, 1998
4) Endo M, Ohi H, Satomura A, et al:Regulation of in situ complement activation via the lectin pathway in patients with IgA nephropathy. Clin Nephrol 55:185-191, 2001
5) Roos A, Rastaldi MP, Calvaresi N, et al:Glomerular activation of the lectin pathway of complement in IgA nephropathy is associated with more severe renal disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 17:1724-1734, 2006
6) Roos A, Bouwman LH, van Gijlswijk-Janssen DJ, et al:Human IgA activates the complement system via the mannan-binding lectin pathway. J Immunol 167:2861-2868, 2001
7) Hisano S, Matsushita M, Fujita T, et al:Mesangial IgA2 deposits and lectin pathway-mediated complement activation in IgA glomerulonephritis. Am J Kidney Dis 38:1082-1088, 2001
8) Endo M, Ohi H, Ohsawa I, et al:Complement activation through the lectin pathway in patients with Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis. Am J Kidney Dis 35:401-407, 2000
9) Hisano S, Matsushita M, Fujita T, et al:Activation of the lectin complement pathway in Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis. Am J Kidney Dis 45:295-302, 2005
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11) Ohsawa I, Ohi H, Endo M, et al:Evidence of lectin complement pathway activation in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Kidny Int 56:1158-1159, 1999
12) Hagiwara S, Ohi H, Eishi Y, et al:A case of renal sarcoidosis with complement activation via the lectin pathway. Am J Kidney Dis 45:580-594, 2005
13) Ohsawa I, Ohi H, Tamano M, et al:Cryoprecipitate of patients with cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis contains molecules of the lectin complement pathway. Clin Immunol 101:59-66, 2001
14) Satomura A, Endo M, Ohi H, et al:Significant elevations in serum mannose-binding lectin levels in patients with chronic renal failure. Nephron 92:702-704, 2002
15) Satomura A, Endo M, Fujita T, et al:Serum mannose-binding lectin levels in maintenance hemodialysis patients:impact on all-cause mortality. Nephron Clin Pract 102:c93-99, 2006
16) Dahl M, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Schnohr P, et al:A population-based study of morbidity and mortality in mannose-binding lectin deficiency. J Exp Med 199:1391-1399, 2004
17) 恩田紀更,大井洋之,若林道郎,他:血液透析患者におけるmannose-binding lectin(MBL)欠損の割合とその意義.第43回補体シンポジウム講演集:19-20,2006





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