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今月の主題 唾液の臨床検査 各論


著者: 廣瀬倫也1 加藤実1

所属機関: 1日本大学医学部麻酔科学系麻酔科学分野

ページ範囲:P.807 - P.811



1) Yanaihara N, Nishikawa Y, Hoshino M, et al:Evaluation of region-specific radioimmuno-assay for rat and human chromogranin A:measurement of immunoreactivity in plasma, urine and saliva. The Adrenal Chromaffin Cell(Kanno T, Nakazato Y, Kumakura K, ed), Hokkaido University Press, pp305-313, 1998
2) 中根英雄:新規精神的ストレス指標としての唾液中クロモグラニンA.豊田中央研究所R & Dレビュー 34:17-22,1999
3) 山口昌樹,吉田博:唾液アミラーゼ活性による交感神経モニタの実用化.Chemical Sensors 21:92-98,2005
4) Nagasawa S, Nishikawa Y, Jun L, et al:Simple enzyme immunoassay for the measurement of immunoreactive chromogranin A in human plasma, urine and saliva. Biomed Res 19:407-410, 1998
5) 山口昌樹,金森貴裕,金丸正史,他:唾液アミラーゼ活性はストレス推定の指標になり得るか.医用電子と生体工学 39:234-239,2001
6) Takai N, Yamaguchi M, Aragaki T, et al:Effect of psychological stress on the salivary cortisol and amylase levels in healthy young adults. Arch Oral Biol 49:963-968, 2004
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9) van Stegeren AH, Wolf OT, Kindt M:Salivary alpha amylase and cortisol responses to different stress tasks:impact of sex. Int J Psychophysiol 69:33-40, 2008
10) Yamaguchi M, Kanemori T, Kanemaru M, et al:Performance evaluation of salivary amylase activity monitor. Biosens Bioelectron 20:491-497, 2004
11) Fujimoto S, Nomura M, Niki M, et al:Evaluation of stress reactions during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in elderly patients:assessment of mental stress using chromogranin A. J Med Invest 54:140-145, 2007
12) Obara S, Iwama H:Assessment of psychological tension after premedication by measurement of salivary chromogranin A. J Clin Anesth 17:554-557, 2005
13) Lee T, Shimizu T, Iijima M, et al:Evaluation of psychosomatic stress in children by measuring salivary chromogranin A. Acta Paediatr 95:935-939, 2006
14) 廣瀬倫也,小川節郎,加藤実,他:唾液中chromogranin Aの測定による麻酔科医の精神的ストレス評価.日本臨床麻酔学雑誌 26:s274, 2006
15) Arai YC, Sakakibara S, Ohshima K, et al:Intra-operative natural sound decreases salivary amylase activity of patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair under epidural anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 52:987-990, 2008
16) Shirasaki S, Fujii H, Takahasi M, et al:Correlation between salivary amylase activity and pain scale in patients with chronic pain. Reg Anesth Pain Med 32:120-123, 2007
17) 廣瀬倫也:唾液α-アミラーゼ活性の測定.ペインクリニック 30:28-35,2009
18) Den R, Toda M, Nagasawa S, et al:Circadian rhythm of human salivary chromogranin A. Biomed Res 28:57-60, 2007
19) Nater UM, Abbruzzese E, Krebs M, et al:Sex differences in emotional and psychophysiolgical responses to musical stimuli. Int J Psychophysiol 62:300-308, 2006
20) 橋爪秀一:種々食品のストレス改善効果.J Int Soc Life Inf Sci 26:208-212, 2008
21) Edger WM:Saliva and dental health:clinical implications of saliva. Br Dent J 169:96-98, 1990
22) 鈴木順,星野健,井上洋西:ストレス関連疾患における唾液中クロモグラニンA濃度の検討.岩手医学雑誌 56:355-360,2004
23) Wolf JM, Nicholls E, Chen E:Chronic stress, salivary cortisol and α-amylase in children with asthma and healthy children. Biol Psychol 78:20-28, 2008





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