今月の主題 脳磁図で何がわかるか?
1) Shibasaki H, Hallett M:What is the Bereitschaftspotential? Clin Neurophysiol 117:2341-2356, 2006
2) Deecke L, Weinberg H, Brickett P:Magnetic fields of the human brain accompanying voluntary movement:Bereitschaftsmagnetfeld. Exp Brain Res 48:144-148, 1982
3) 橋本勲,益子拓徳,小高和己,他:運動関連脳磁界の多チャンネル計測.臨床脳波 34:646-652, 1992
4) Nagamine T, Kajola M, Salmelin R, et al:Movement-related slow cortical magnetic fields and changes of spontaneous MEG-and EEG-brain rhythms. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 99:274-286, 1996
5) Pedersen JR, Johannsen P, Bak CK, et al:Origin of human motor readiness field linked to left middle frontal gyrus by MEG and PET. Neuroimage 8:214-220, 1998
6) Gerloff C, Uenishi N, Nagamine T, et al:Cortical activation during fast repetitive finger movements in humans:steady-state movement-related magnetic fields and their cortical generators. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 109:444-453, 1998
7) Hari R, Imada T:Ipsilateral movement-evoked fields reconsidered. Neuroimage 10:582-588, 1999
8) Salmelin R, Hari R:Spatiotemporal characteristics of sensorimotor neuromagnetic rhythms related to thumb movement. Neuroscience 60:537-550, 1994
9) Hari R, Salmelin R:Human cortical oscillations:a neuromagnetic view through the skull. Trends Neurosci 20:44-49, 1997
10) Lopes da Silva FH, Pfurtscheller G:Basic concepts on EEG synchronization and desynchronization. Event-Related Desynchronization, Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, Revised Series, Vol.6(Pfurtscheller G, Lopes da Silva FH, ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp3-11, 1999
11) Jurkiewicz MT, Gaetz WC, Bostan AC, et al:Post-movement beta rebound is generated in motor cortex:evidence from neuromagnetic recordings. Neuroimage 32:1281-1289, 2006
12) Tamura Y, Hoshiyama M, Nakata H, et al:Functional relationship between human rolandic oscillations and motor cortical excitability:an MEG study. Eur J Neurosci 21:2555-2562, 2005
13) Hari R, Forss N, Avikainen S, et al:Activation of human primary motor cortex during action observation:a neuromagnetic study. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95:15061-15065, 1998
14) Ichikawa A, Yamamoto H, Ono I, et al:Stimulus-related 20-Hz activity of human cortex modulated by the way of presenting hand actions. Neurosci Res 58:285-290, 2007
15) 美馬達哉:脳波-筋電図コヒーレンスとその臨床応用.臨床脳波 47:479-485, 2005
16) Conway BA, Halliday DM, Farmer SF, et al:Synchronization between motor cortex and spinal motoneuronal pool during the performance of a maintained motor task in man. J Physiol 489:917-924, 1995
17) Hellwig B, Haussler S, Lauk M, et al:Tremor-correlated cortical activity detected by electroencephalography. Clin Neurophysiol 111:806-809, 2000
18) Volkmann J, Joliot M, Mogilner A, et al:Central motor loop oscillations in parkinsonian resting tremor revealed by magnetoencephalography. Neurology 46:1359-1370, 1996
19) Gross J, Kujala J, Hamalainen M, et al:Dynamic imaging of coherent sources:studying neural interactions in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98:694-699, 2001
20) Brunia CH:Waiting in readiness:gaiting in attention and motor preparation. Psychophysiol 30:327-339, 1993
21) Basile LF, Rogers RL, Bourbon WT, et al:Slow magnetic flux from human frontal cortex. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 90:157-165, 1994
22) Elbert T, Rockstroh B, Hampson S, et al:The magnetic counterpart of the contingent negative variation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 92:262-272, 1994
23) Hamano T, Luders HO, Ikeda A, et al:The cortical generators of the contingent negative variation in humans:a study with subdural electrodes. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 104:257-268, 1997
24) Nishitani N, Uutela K, Shibasaki H, et al:Cortical visuomotor integration during eye pursuit and eye-finger pursuit. J Neurosci 19:2647-2657, 1999
25) Nimsky C, Ganslandt O, Kober H, et al:Integration of functional magnetic resonance imaging supported by magnetoencephalography in functional neuronavigation. Neurosurgery 44:1249-1255, 1999
26) Roberts TP, Disbrow EA, Roberts HC, et al:Quantification and reproducibility of tracking cortical extent of activation by use of functional MR imaging and magnetoencephalography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 21:1377-1387, 2000
27) Kamada K, Houkin K, Takeuchi F, et al:Visualization of the eloquent motor system by integration of MEG, functional and anisotropic diffusion-weighted MRI in functional neuronavigation. Surg Neurol 59:352-361, 2003