今月の主題 未病を考える
各論 〈検査からみた未病〉
バイオマーカーには多くのものが考えられている.分析化学,生化学のエビデンスとともに,臨床成績の裏付けのあるものが望ましい.レドックス感受性脂質の初期酸化産物である脂質ヒドロペルオキシドは,酸化ストレスの好適なバイオマーカーである.血清PCOOH(ホスファチジルコリン ヒドロペルオキシド)値は,心筋症,動脈硬化,糖尿病,高脂血症の酸化傷害マーカーであり,皮表SQOOH(スクワレン ヒドロペルオキシド)は生活環境下での皮膚酸化の鋭敏なマーカーである.
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13) Hayashi T, Miyazawa T:Age-associated oxidative damage in microsomal and plasma membrane lipids of rat hepatocytes. Mech. Age Developm 100:231-242,1998
14) Moriya K, Nakagawa K, Santa T, et al:Oxidative stress in the absence of inflammation in a mouse model for hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. Cancer Res 61:4365-4370,2001
15) Suzuki H, Kanamaru K, Kuroki M, et al:Effects of unilateral intrathecal administrations of low dose tissue-type plasminogen activator on clot lysis, vasospasm and brain phospholipid hydroperoxidation in a primate model of bilateral subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurological Res 20:625-631,1998
16) Igarashi M, Miyazawa T:Do conjugated eicosapentaenoic acid and conjugated docosahexaenoic acid induce apoptosis via lipid peroxidation in cultured human tumor cells? Biochem Biophys Res Commun 270:649-656,2000
17) Tsuzuki T, Tokuyama Y, Igarashi M, et al:Tumor growth suppression by α-eleostearic acid, a linolenic acid isomer with a conjugated triene system, via lipid peroxidation. Carcinogenesis 25:1417-1425,2004
18) Ibusuki D, Nakagawa K, Asai A, et al:Preparation of pure lipid hydroperoxides. J Lipid Res 49:2668-2677,2008
19) Oarada M, Furukawa H, Majima T, et al:Fish oil diet affects on senescence of red blood cells linked to degeneration of spleen cells in mice. Biochim Biophys Acta 1487:1-14,2000
20) Song JH, Fujimoto K, Miyazawa T:Polyunsaturated (n-3) fatty acids susceptible to peroxidation are increased in plasma and tissue lipids of rats fed docosahexaenoic acid-containing oils. J Nutr 130:3028-3033,2000
21) Song JH, Miyazawa T:Enhanced level of n-3 fatty acid in membrane phospholipids induces lipid peroxidation in rats fed dietary docosahexaenoic acid oil. Atherosclerosis 155:9-18,2001
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23) Kinoshita M, Oikawa S, Hayasaka K, et al:Age-related increases in plasma phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide concentrations in control subjects and patients with hyperlipidemia. Clin Chem 46:822-828,2000
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28) Suzuki H, Kanamaru K, Kuroki M, et al:Effects of tirilazad mesylate on vasospasm and phospholipid hydroperoxides in a primate model of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 30:450-456,1999
29) Nagaya N, Yamamoto H, Uematsu M, et al:Green tea reverses endothelial dysfunction in healthy smokers. Heart 90:1485-1486,2004
30) Tokita Y, Hirayama Y, Sekikawa A, et al:Fructose ingestion enhances atherosclerosis and deposition of advanced glycated end-products in cholesterol-fed rabbits. J Atheroscler Thromb 12:260-267,2005
31) Nagashima T, Oikawa S, Hirayama Y, et al:Increase of serum phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide dependent on glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 56:19-25,2002
32) Sanaka T, Takahashi C, Sanaka M, et al:Accumulation of phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide in dialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy. Clin Nephrol 44 (Sup1):S33-S37,1995
33) Higuchi O, Nakagawa K, Tsuzuki T, et al:Aminophospholipid glycation and its inhibitor screening system:a new role of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate as the inhibitor. J Lipid Res 47:964-974,2006
34) Nakagawa K, Oak JH, Higuchi O, et al:Ion-trap tandem mass spectrometric analysis of Amadori-glycated phosphatidylethanolamine in human plasma with or without diabetes. J Lipid Res 46:2514-2524,2005
35) Asai A, Okajima F, Nakagawa K, et al:Phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide-induced THP-1 cell adhesion to intracellular adhesion molecule-1. J Lipid Res 50:957-965,2009
36) Miyazawa T, Suzuki T, Yasuda K, et al:Accumulation of phospholipid hydroperoxides in red blood cell membranes in Alzheimer disease. Oxygen Radicals, Elsevier Sci. Publ,pp327-330,1992
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38) 宮澤陽夫,木村晃子,藤本健四郎,他:ラットの低密度および高密度赤血球の過酸化リン脂質含量.日本栄養・食糧学会誌 48:121-126,1995
39) Nakagawa K, Fujimoto K, Miyazawa T:β-Carotene as a high-potency antioxidant to prevent the formation of phospholipid hydroperoxides in red blood cells of mice. Biochim Biophys Acta 1299:110-116,1996
40) Nakagawa K, Kiko T, Hatade K, et al:Development of a high-performance liquid chromatography-based assay for carotenoids in human red blood cells:Application to clinical studies. Anal Biochem 381:129-134,2008
41) Nakagawa K, Kiko T, Hatade K, et al:Antioxidant effect of lutein towards phospholipid hydroperoxidation in human erythrocytes. Brit J Nutr 102:1280-1284,2009
42) 河野善行,坂本興彦,冨田健一,他:化学発光検出器を用いたHPLCによるヒト皮表脂質過酸化物の定量.油化学 40:715-718,1991
43) Nakagawa K, Ibusuki D, Suzuki Y, et al:Ion-trap tandem mass spectrometric analysis of squalene monohydroperoxide isomers in sunlight-exposed human skin. J Lipid Res 48:2779-2787,2007