今月の主題 静脈血栓塞栓症と凝固制御因子プロテインS
1) 一瀬白帝:緒言―21世紀の国民病 血栓症の制圧に向けて.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,前付け,2005
2) 小嶋哲人:血管内皮の向流動性機構.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,pp51-56,2005
3) 丸山征郎:血管病の分子病態 オーバービュー.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,pp16-21,2005
4) 齋藤英彦:止血機構と血栓症 オーバービュー.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,pp1-6,2005
5) 戸田恵理,後藤信哉:血小板と血栓性疾患発症を識る.Heart View 13:1368-1371,2009
6) 冨山佳昭:止血/血栓形成と血小板機能を識る.Heart View 13:1372-1378,2009
7) 藤村吉博:TTP/HUS.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために,中外医学社,pp227-236,2005
8) 野村昌作:Microparticleと血栓症.Intern Rev Thromb 2:22-27,2007
9) Kawabata S, Muta T:Sadaaki Iwanaga:Discovery of the lipopolysaccharide- and beta-1,3-D-glucan-mediated proteolytic cascade and unique proteins in invertebrate immunity. J Biochem 147:611-618,2010
10) 一瀬白帝:後天性血友病XⅢ(13)(出血性後天性凝固第13因子欠乏症)とは?.日内会誌 99:1934-1943,2010
11) Ichinose A, Souri M:on behalf of the Japanese collaborative research group on "Acquired haemorrha-philia due to factor XⅢ deficiency". As many as 12 cases with haemorrhagic acquired factor XⅢ deficiency due to its inhibitors were recently found in Japan. Thromb Haemost 105:2011(in press)
12) Davie EW, Fujikawa K, Kisiel W:The coagulation cascade:initiation, maintenance, and regulation. Biochemistry 30:10363-10370,1991
13) Schousboe I:Pharmacological regulation of factor XII activation may be a new target to control pathological coagulation. Biochem Pharmacol 75:1007-1013,2008
14) Gailani D, Renne T:The intrinsic pathway of coagulation:a target for treating thromboembolic disease? J Thromb Haemost 5:1106-1112,2007
15) Roberts HR, Hoffman M, Monroe DM:A cell-based model of thrombin generation. Semin Thromb Hemost 32 Suppl 1:32-38,2006
16) Mosesson MW:Fibrinogen and fibrin structure and functions. J Thromb Haemost 3:1894-1904,2005
17) 一瀬白帝:血栓の安定化と関連因子.Heart View 13:1386-1393,2009
18) Kasahara K, Souri M, Kaneda M, et al:Impaired clot retraction in factor XⅢ A subunit-deficient mice. Blood 115:1277-1279,2010
19) 鈴木宏治:抗凝固系と血栓 オーバービュー.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,pp440-448,2005
20) 岩田宏紀,一瀬白帝:プロテインZとZPIの分子病態学.図説 血栓・止血・血管学―血栓症制圧のために(一瀬白帝編),中外医学社,pp510-516,2005
21) Suzuki A, Sanda N, Miyawaki Y, et al:Down-regulation of PROS1 gene expression by 17beta-estradiol via estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha)-Sp1 interaction recruiting receptor-interacting protein 140 and the corepressor-HDAC3 complex. J Biol Chem 285:13444-13453,2010
22) Carlsson S, Dahlback B:Dependence on vitamin K-dependent protein S for eukaryotic cell secretion of the beta-chain of C4b-binding protein. J Biol Chem 285:32038-32046,2010
23) Burstyn-Cohen T, Heeb MJ, Lemke G:Lack of protein S in mice causes embryonic lethal coagulopathy and vascular dysgenesis. J Clin Invest 119:2942-2953,2009
24) Zhu D, Wang Y, Singh I, et al:Protein S controls hypoxic/ischemic blood-brain barrier disruption through the TAM receptor Tyro3 and sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor. Blood 115:4963-4972,2010
25) Hackeng TM, Rosing J:Protein S as cofactor for TFPI. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 29:2015-2020,2009
26) McColl A, Bournazos S, Franz S, et al:Glucocorticoids induce protein S-dependent phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils by human macrophages. J Immunol 183:2167-2175,2009
27) Hurtado B, Nadal M, Margarit E, et al:First case of protein S deficiency due to a translocation t(3;21) (q11.2;q22). Thromb Haemost 101:977-979,2009
28) Ikejiri M, Wada H, Sakamoto Y, et al:The association of protein S Tokushima-K196E with a risk of deep vein thrombosis. Int J Hematol 92:302-305,2010
29) Tefs K, Gueorguieva M, Klammt J, et al:Molecular and clinical spectrum of type I plasminogen deficiency:A series of 50 patients. Blood 108:3021-3026,2006
30) Suzuki T, Ikewaki J, Iwata H, et al:The first two Japanese cases of severe type I congenital plasminogen deficiency with ligneous conjunctivitis:successful treatment with direct thrombin inhibitor and fresh plasma. Am J Hematol 84:363-365,2009
31) 一瀬白帝:治療可能な慢性/反復性・全身性・偽膜(木質)性粘膜炎―わが国初の重度先天性プラスミノゲン欠損症例―.医のあゆみ 1231:1125-1126,2009