今月の主題 静脈血栓塞栓症と凝固制御因子プロテインS
1) 岩永貞明:止血・血栓・線溶.(松田道生,鈴木宏治編),中外医学社,pp103-109,1994
2) 鈴木宏治:血液凝固制御系の異常.図説 分子病態学 第4版(一瀬白帝,鈴木宏治編),中外医学社,pp262-270,2008
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23) Hillarp A, Dahlback B:Cloning of cDNA coding for the beta chain of human complement component C4b-binding protein:sequence homology with the alpha chain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87:1183-1187,1990
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28) Mille-Baker B, Rezende SM, Simmonds RE, et al:Deletion or replacement of the second EGF-like domain of protein S results in loss of APC cofactor activity. Blood 101:1416-1418,2003
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34) Hayashi T, Kishiwada M, Fujii K, et al:Lipopolysaccharide-induced decreased protein S expression in liver cells is mediated by MEK/ERK signaling and NFκB activation. Involvement of membrane-bound CD14 and Toll-like receptor-4. J Thromb Haemost 4:1763-1773,2006
35) Kishiwada M, Hayashi T, Yuasa H, et al:Regulatory mechanisms of C4b-binding protein (C4BP)α and β expression in rat hepatocytes by lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-6-specific increase of C4BPβ expression influences the plasma level of protein S-C4BP complex and anticoagulant activity of protein S. J Thromb Haemost 6:1858-1867,2008
36) Quehenberger P, Loner U, Kapiotis S, et al:Increased levels of activated factor VII and decreased plasma protein S activity and circulating thrombomodulin during use of oral contraceptives. Thromb Haemost 76:729-734,1996
37) Suzuki A, Sanda N, Miyawaki Y, et al:Down-regulation of PROS1 gene expression by 17beta-estradiol via estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha)-Sp1 interaction recruiting receptor-interacting protein 140 and the corepressor-HDAC3 complex. J Biol Chem 285:13444-13453,2010
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41) Liu D, Guo H, Griffin JH, et al:Protein S confers neuronal protection during ischemic/hypoxic injury in mice. Circulation 107:1791-1796,2003
42) Zhong Z, Wang Y, Guo H, et al:Protein S protects neurons from excitotoxic injury by activating the TAM receptor Tyro3-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt pathway through its sex hormone-binding globulin-like region. J Neurosci 30:15521-15534,2010
43) Fernandez JA, Heeb MJ, Xu X, et al:Species-specific anticoagulant and mitogenic activities of murine protein S. Haematologica 94:1721-1731,2009
44) Anderson HA, Maylock CA, Williams JA, et al:Serum-derived protein S binds to phosphatidylserine and stimulates the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Nat Immunol 4:87-91,2003
45) Uehara H, Shacter E:Auto-oxidation and oligomerization of protein S on the apoptotic cell surface is required for Mer tyrosine kinase-mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. J Immunol 180:2522-2530,2008
46) Takagi T, Taguchi O, Aoki S, et al:Direct effects of protein S in ameliorating acute lung injury. J Thromb Haemost 7:2053-2063,2009