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今月の主題 アルコール依存症 各論 〈検査とその読み方〉


著者: 岩佐元雄1 竹井謙之1

所属機関: 1三重大学大学院消化器内科学

ページ範囲:P.1456 - P.1460



1) Voican CS, Perlemuter G, Naveau S : Mechanisms of the inflammatory reaction implicated in alcoholic hepatitis : 2011 update. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 35:465-474,2011
2) Abu-Shanab A, Quigley EM : The role of the gut microbiota in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 7:691-701,2010
3) Naveau S, Giraud V, Borotto E, et al : Excess weight risk factor for alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 25:108-111,1997
4) Raynard B, Balian A, Fallik D, et al : Risk factors of fibrosis in alcohol-induced liver disease. Hepatology 35:635-638,2002
5) 堀江義則,石井裕正,山岸由幸,他:わが国におけるアルコール性肝硬変の実態とその進展因子に関する検討.肝臓 50:507-513,2009
6) Kato I, Kiyohara Y, Kubo M, et al : Insulin-mediated effects of alcohol intake on serum lipid levels in a general population : the Hisayama Study. J Clin Epidemiol 56:196-204,2003
7) Ohmori S, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, et al : Alcoholic intake and future incidence of hypertension in a general Japanese population : the Hisayama study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 26:1010-1016,2002
8) Mukamal KJ, Conigrave KM, Mittleman MA, et al : Roles of drinking pattern and type of alcohol consumed in coronary heart disease in men. N Engl J Med 348:109-118,2003
9) Albert CM, Manson JE, Cook NR, et al : Moderate alcohol consumption and the risk of sudden cardiac death among US male physicians. Circulation 100:944-950,1999
10) Avogaro A, De Kreutzenberg SV, Watanabe RM, et al : Acute alcohol consumption improves insulin action without affecting insulin secretion in type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care 27:1369-1374,2004
11) Koppes LL, Dekker JM, Hendriks HF, et al : Moderate alcohol consumption lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes : a meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. Diabetes Care 28:719-725,2005
12) Alatalo PI, Koivisto HM, Hietala JP, et al : Effect of moderate alcohol consumption on liver enzymes increases with increasing body mass index. Am J Clin Nutr 88:1097-1103,2008
13) Kiyohara Y, Shinohara A, Kato I, et al : Dietary factors and development of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes in a general Japanese population : the Hisayama study. J Epidemiol 13:251-258,2003
14) Freiberg MS, Vasan RS, Cabral HJ, et al : Alcohol consumption and the prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in the U.S. Diabetes Care 27:2954-2959,2004
15) Baik I, Shin C : Prospective study of alcohol consumption and metabolic syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr 87:1455-1463,2008
16) Alkerwi A, Boutsen M, Vaillant M, et al : Alcohol consumption and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome : a meta-analysis of observational studies. Atherosclerosis 204:624-635,2009





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