今月の主題 アルコール依存症
各論 〈検査とその読み方〉
1) Cherpitel CJ : Drinking Patterns and Problems : A Comparison of Primary Care with the Emergency Room. Subst Abus 20:85-95,1999
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3) McDonald AJ 3rd, Wang N, Camargo CA Jr : US emergency department visits for alcohol-related diseases and injuries between 1992 and 2000.Arch Intern Med 164:531-537,2004
4) World Health Organization : Alcohol and injury in emergency departments : summary of the report from the WHO collaborative study on alcohol and injuries. World Health Organization, 2007(http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/alcohol_injury_summary.pdf)
5) Bernstein E, Bernstein J, Levenson S : Project ASSERT : an ED-based intervention to increase access to primary care, preventive services, and the substance abuse treatment system. Ann Emerg Med 30:181-189,1997
6) Cherpitel CJ : Emergency room and primary care services utilization and associated alcohol and drug use in the United States general population. Alcohol Alcohol 34:581-589,1999
7) Cherpitel CJ, Moskalewicz J, Swiatkiewicz G : Drinking patterns and problems in emergency services in Poland. Alcohol Alcohol 39:256-261,2004
8) D'Onofrio G, Becker B, Woolard RH : The impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and abuse in the emergency department. Emerg Med Clin North Am 24:925-967,2006
9) 柴山美紀根,長徹二,猪野亜朗:ER型救命救急センターを受診した飲酒を疑われた患者の実態調査と救急医療体制への影響.日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌 46:436-445,2011
10) Ewing JA : Detecting alcoholism. The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA 252:1905-1907,1984
11) 高後裕,大竹孝明:飲酒の血液マーカー.日本医師会雑誌 140:1895,2011
12) King M : At risk drinking among general practice attenders : validation of the CAGE questionnaire. Psychol Med 16:213-217,1986
13) 杉田収:γ-グルタミルトランスペプチダーゼ.異常値の出るメカニズム 第5版(河合 忠,屋形 稔,伊藤喜久編),医学書院,pp249-253,2008
14) 上條吉人:急性中毒診療ハンドブック,医学書院,pp7-9,2005
15) 福居顯二,西村伊三男:アルコール依存症の概念・診断・併存症.日本医師会雑誌 140:1880-1884,2011
16) Richard DB : Trauma Case Finding. In : Principles of Addiction Medicine 3rd ed (Graham AW, Shultz TK, eds), American Society of Addiction Medicine, Maryland,pp349-360,2003
17) 猪野亜朗,遠藤太久郎,西山昌伸:アルコール性臓器障害への精神科的アプローチ.日本医事新報 3768:28-32,1996
18) Gentilello LM, Rivara FP, Donovan DM, et al : Alcohol interventions in a trauma center as a means of reducing the risk of injury recurrence. Ann Surg 230:473-480,1999
19) Crawford MJ, Patton R, Touquet R, et al : Screening and referral for brief intervention of alcohol-misusing patients in an emergency department : a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Lancet 364:1334-1339,2004
20) Academic ED SBIRT Research Collaborative : The impact of screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment on emergency department patients' alcohol use. Ann Emerg Med 50:699-710,710e1-6,2007