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今月の主題 生理活性脂質 総論


著者: 矢冨裕1

所属機関: 1東京大学大学院医学系研究科臨床病態検査医学

ページ範囲:P.137 - P.143



1) 大森司,苅尾七臣:抗血小板療法.日血栓止血会誌 17:649-663,2006
2) Ohmori T, Yatomi Y, Nonaka T, et al : Aspirin resistance detected with aggregometry cannot be explained by cyclooxygenase activity : involvement of other signaling pathway(s) in cardiovascular events of aspirin-treated patients. J Thromb Haemost 4:1271-1278,2006
3) Frelinger AL 3rd, Furman MI, Linden MD, et al : Residual arachidonic acid-induced platelet activation via an adenosine diphosphate-dependent but cyclooxygenase-1- and cyclooxygenase-2-independent pathway : a 700-patient study of aspirin resistance. Circulation 113:2888-2896,2006
4) 井上飛鳥,青木淳賢:第二世代の生理活性脂質としてのリゾリン脂質.実験医 27:2059-2067,2009
5) Nakamura K, Takeuchi T, Ohkawa R, et al : Serum lysophospholipase D/autotaxin may be a new nutritional assessment marker : study on prostate cancer patients. Ann Clin Biochem 44:549-556,2007
6) Kishimoto T, Matsuoka T, Imamura S, et al : A novel colorimetric assay for the determination of lysophosphatidic acid in plasma using an enzymatic cycling method. Clin Chim Acta 333:59-67,2003
7) Nakamura K, Kishimoto T, Ohkawa R, et al : Suppression of lysophosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidylcholine formation in the plasma in vitro : Proposal of a plasma sample preparation method for laboratory testing of these lipids. Anal Biochem 367:20-27,2007
8) Hosogaya S, Yatomi Y, Nakamura K, et al : Measurement of plasma lysophosphatidic acid concentration in healthy subjects : strong correlation with lysophospholipase D activity. Ann Clin Biochem 45:364-368,2008
9) Nakamura K, Igarashi K, Ide K, et al : Validation of an autotaxin enzyme immunoassay in human serum samples and its application to hypoalbuminemia differentiation. Clin Chim Acta 388:51-58,2008
10) 西村智,長崎実佳,中村和宏,他:血清リン脂質・生合成系を用いた新規メタボリックシンドロームマーカーの探索.脂質生化研 52:237-238,2010
11) Dusaulcy R, Rancoule C, Grès S, et al : Adipose-specific disruption of autotaxin enhances nutritional fattening and reduces plasma lysophosphatidic acid. J Lipid Res 52:1247-1255,2011
12) Iwasawa Y, Fujii T, Nagamatsu T, et al : Expression of autotaxin, an ectoenzyme that produces lysophosphatidic acid, in human placenta. Am J Reprod Immunol 62:90-95,2009
13) Masuda A, Fujii T, Iwasawa Y, et al : Serum autotaxin measurements in pregnant women : application for the differentiation of normal pregnancy and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Clin Chim Acta 412:1944-1950,2011
14) Masuda A, Nakamura K, Izutsu K, et al : Serum autotaxin measurement in haematological malignancies : a promising marker for follicular lymphoma. Br J Haematol 143:60-70,2008
15) Nakai Y, Ikeda H, Nakamura K, et al : Specific increase in serum autotaxin activity in patients with pancreatic cancer. Clin Biochem 44:576-581,2011
16) Nakagawa H, Ikeda H, Nakamura K, et al : Autotaxin as a novel serum marker of liver fibrosis. Clin Chim Acta 412:1201-1206,2011
17) Jansen S, Andries M, Vekemans K, et al : Rapid clearance of the circulating metastatic factor autotaxin by the scavenger receptors of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Cancer Lett 284:216-221,2009
18) Yatomi Y : Plasma sphingosine 1-phosphate metabolism and analysis. Biochim Biophys Acta 1780:606-611,2008
19) Ohkawa R, Nakamura K, Okubo S, et al : Plasma sphingosine-1-phosphate measurement in healthy subjects : close correlation with red blood cell parameters. Ann Clin Biochem 45:356-363,2008
20) Ikeda H, Ohkawa R, Watanabe N, et al : Plasma concentration of bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine 1- phosphate is reduced in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Clin Chim Acta 411:765-770,2010





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