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今月の主題 生理活性脂質 各論


著者: 田口良1

所属機関: 1中部大学生命健康科学部生命医科学科

ページ範囲:P.189 - P.197



1) Taguchi R, Nishijima M, Shimizu T : Basic analytical systems for lipidomics by mass spectrometry in Japan. Methods Enzymol 432:185-211,2007
2) 田口良:メタボロミクスによる包括的解析のストラテジー―対象を定めない網羅的解析手法と特定の分子を対象とした特異的解析手法をいかに組み合わせるか―.メタボロミクス:その解析技術と臨床・そう薬応用研究の最前線(田口良編),メディカルドゥ,pp41-46,2010
3) Nakanishi H, Ogiso H, Taguchi R : Qualitative and quantitative analyses of phospholipids by LC-MS for lipidomics. Methods Mol Biol 579:287-313,2009
4) Ikeda K, Shimizu T, Taguchi R : Targeted analysis of ganglioside and sulfatide molecular species by LC/ESI-MS/MS with theoretically expanded multiple reaction monitoring. J Lipid Res 49:2678-2689,2008
5) Ogiso H, Suzuki T, Taguchi R : Development of a reverse-phase liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method for lipidomics, improving detection of phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine. Anal Biochem 375:124-131,2008
6) Ogiso H, Taguchi R : Reverse-Phase LC/MS Method for Polyphosphoinositide Analyses : Changes in Molecular Species Levels during Epidermal Growth Factor-Activation in A431 Cells. Anal Chem 80:9226-9232,2008
7) Ogiso H, Nakamura K, Yatomi Y, et al : Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis revealing preferential occurrence of non-arachidonate-containing phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate species in nuclei and changes in their levels during cell cycle. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 24:436-442,2010
8) Nakanishi H, Iida Y, Shimizu T, et al : Analysis of oxidized phosphatidylcholines as markers for oxidative stress, using multiple reaction monitoring with theoretically expanded data sets with reversed-phase liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 877:1366-1374,2009
9) Seki H, Fukunaga K, Arita M, et al : The Anti-Inflammatory and Proresolving Mediator Resolvin E1 Protects Mice from Bacterial Pneumonia and Acute Lung Injury. J Immunol 184:836-843,2010
10) 中西広樹,田口良:脂質メタボロミクスとその応用.メタボロミクスの先端技術と応用(福﨑英一郎編),シーエムシー出版,pp100-110,2008
11) Sasaki, T, Takasuga S, Sasaki J, et al : Mammalian phosphoinositide kinases and phosphatases. Prog Lipid Res 48:307-343,2009
12) Eikel D, Henion J : Liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA) of food surfaces employing chip-based nano-electrospray mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 25:2345-2354,2011





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