今月の主題 尿路結石
各論 〈結石の臨床検査〉
1) Teichman JM : Clinical practice. Acute renal colic from ureteral calculus. N Engl J Med 350:684-693,2004
2) Yasui T, Iguchi M, Suzuki S, et al : Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of urolithiasis in Japan : national trends between 1965 and 2005.Urology 71:209-213,2008
3) 日本泌尿器科学会,日本Endourology・ESWL学会,日本尿路結石症学会編:尿路結石症診療ガイドライン,金原出版,2002
4) Ray AA, Ghiculete D, Pace KT, et al : Limitations to ultrasound in the detection and measurement of urinary tract calculi. Urology 76:295-300,2010
5) Fowler KA, Locken JA, Duchesne JH, et al : US for detecting renal calculi with nonenhanced CT as a reference standard. Radiology 222:109-113,2002
6) King W 3rd, Kimme-Smith C, Winter J : Renal stone shadowing : an investigation of contributing factors. Radiology 154:191-196,1985
7) Catalano O, Nunziata A, Altei F, et al : Suspected ureteral colic : primary helical CT versus selective helical CT after unenhanced radiography and sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 178:379-387,2002
8) Mitterberger M, Pinggera GM, Pallwein L, et al : Plain abdominal radiography with transabdominal native tissue harmonic imaging ultrasonography vs unenhanced computed tomography in renal colic. BJU Int 100:887-890,2007
9) Yilmaz S, Sindel T, Arslan G, et al : Renal colic : comparison of spiral CT, US and IVU in the detection of ureteral calculi. Eur Radiol 8:212-217,1998
10) Ozden E, Gögüs C, Türkölmez K, et al : Is fluid ingestion really necessary during ultrasonography for detecting ureteral stones? A prospective randomized study. J Ultrasound Med 24:1651-1657,2005
11) Park SJ, Yi BH, Lee HK, et al : Evaluation of patients with suspected ureteral calculi using sonography as an initial diagnostic tool : how can we improve diagnostic accuracy? J Ultrasound Med 27:1441-1450,2008
12) Tamm EP, Silverman PM, Shuman WP : Evaluation of the patient with flank pain and possible ureteral calculus. Radiology 228:319-329,2003
13) Sheafor DH, Hertzberg BS, Freed KS, et al : Nonenhanced helical CT and US in the emergency evaluation of patients with renal colic : prospective comparison. Radiology 217:792-797,2000
14) Mitterberger M, Aigner F, Pallwein L, et al : Sonographic detection of renal stones. Value of the twinkling sign. Int Braz J Urol 35:532-541,2009
15) Chelfouh N, Grenier N, Higueret D, et al : Characterization of urinary calculi : in vitro study of "twinkling artifact" revealed by color-flow sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 171:1055-1060,1998
16) Mitterberger M, Pinggera GM, Maier E, et al : Value of 3-dimensional transrectal/transvaginal sonography in diagnosis of distal ureteral calculi. J Ultrasound Med 26:19-27,2007
17) Laing FC, Benson CB, DiSalvo DN, et al : Distal ureteral calculi : detection with vaginal US. Radiology 192:545-548,1994
18) Heidenreich A, Desgrandschamps F, Terrier F : Modern approach of diagnosis and management of acute flank pain : review of all imaging modalities. Eur Urol 41:351-362,2002