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今月の主題 尿路結石



著者: 安井孝周1 濵本周造1 岡田淳志1 郡健二郎1

所属機関: 1名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科腎・泌尿器科学分野

ページ範囲:P.303 - P.308







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15) Okada A, Nomura S, Saeki Y, et al : Morphological conversion of calcium oxalate crystals into stones is regulated by osteopontin in mouse kidney. J Bone Miner Res 23:1629-1637,2008
16) Yasui T, Fujita K, Asai K, et al : Osteopontin regulates adhesion of calcium oxalate crystals to renal epithelial cells. Int J Urol 9:100-108,2002
17) Yamate T, Tsuji H, Amasaki N, et al : Analysis of osteopontin DNA in patients with urolithiasis. Urol Res 28:159-166,2000
18) Gao B, Yasui T, Okada A, et al : A polymorphism of the osteopontin gene is related to urinary calcium stones. J Urol 174:1472-1476,2005
19) Gao B, Yasui T, Itoh Y, et al : Association of osteopontin gene haplotypes with nephrolithiasis. Kidney Int 72:592-598,2007
20) Rungroj N, Sritippayawan S, Thongnoppakhun W, et al : Prothrombin haplotype associated with kidney stone disease in Northeastern Thai patients. Urology 77:249 e17-249e23,2011
21) Chen WC, Chen HY, Wu HC, et al : Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism is associated with calcium oxalate stone disease. Urol Res 31:218-222,2003
22) Chen WC, Wu HC, Lu HF, et al : Calcitonin receptor gene polymorphism : a possible genetic marker for patients with calcium oxalate stones. Eur Urol 39:716-719,2001
23) Tsai FJ, Wu HC, Chen HY, et al : Association of E-cadherin gene 3′-UTR C/T polymorphism with calcium oxalate stone disease. Urol Int 70:278-281,2003
24) Mittal RD, Bid HK, Kumar A, et al : Association of urokinase gene 3′-UTR polymorphism with calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. J Endourol 20:157-160,2006
25) Gao B, Yasui T, Itoh Y, et al : A polymorphism of matrix Gla protein gene is associated with kidney stones. J Urol 177:2361-2365,2007
26) Chen WC, Wu Hc, Lin WC, et al : The association of androgen- and oestrogen-receptor gene polymorphisms with urolithiasis in men. BJU Int 88:432-436,2001
27) International HapMap Consortium : A haplotype map of the human genome. Nature 437:1299-1320,2005
28) Thorleifsson G, Holm H, Edvardsson V, et al : Sequence variants in the CLDN14 gene associate with kidney stones and bone mineral density. Nat Genet 41:926-930,2009





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