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今月の主題 感染症検査における境界値の取り扱い方 総論


著者: 三鴨廣繁1 山岸由佳2

所属機関: 1愛知医科大学大学院医学研究科感染制御学 2愛知医科大学病院感染制御部

ページ範囲:P.355 - P.362



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6) Frei CR, Wiederhold NP, Burgess DS : Antimicrobial breakpoints for gram-negative aerobic bacteria based on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models with Monte Carlo simulation. J Antimicrob Chemother 61:621-628,2008
7) Yamagishi Y, Terada M, Ohki E, et al : Investigation of the clinical breakpoints of piperacillin-tazobactam against infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Infect Chemother, in press
8) 三鴨廣繁,山岸由佳:PK/PD理論の応用と限界.臨と微生物 36:291-297,2009
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11) シプロフロキサシン添付文書(米国)
12) Niki Y, Hanaki H, Yagisawa M, et al : The first nationwide surveillance of bacterial respiratory pathogens conducted by the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy. Part 1 : a general view of antibacterial susceptibility. J Infect Chemother 14:279-290,2008
13) 山口惠三,石井良和,岩田守弘,他:Meropenemを含む各種注射用抗菌薬に対する2006年臨床分離株の感受性サーベイランス.Jpn J Antibiot 60:344-377,2007
14) Pea F, Poz D, Viale P, et al : Which reliable pharmacodynamic breakpoint should be advised for ciprofloxacin monotherapy in the hospital setting? A TDM-based retrospective perspective. J Antimicrob Chemother 58:380-386,2006





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