今月の主題 成長と臨床検査値
1) Mariathasan S, Monack DM : Inflammasome adaptors and sensors : intracellular regulators of infection and inflammation. Nat Rev/Immunol 7:31-40,2007
2) Hammad H, Lambrecht BN : Recent progress in the biology of airway dendritic cells and implications for understanding the regulation of asthmatic inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 118:331-336,2006
3) Levi M : The coagulant response in sepsis and inflammation. Hamostaseologie 30:10-12,14-16,2010
4) Barker BR, Taxman DJ, Ting JP : Cross-regulation between the IL-1β/IL-18 processing inflammasome and other inflammatory cytokines. Curr Opin Immunol 23:591-597,2011
5) Thompson MR, Kaminski JJ, Kurt-Jones EA, et al : Pattern recognition receptors and the innate immune response to viral infection. Viruses 3:920-940,2011
6) Mackay IR, Leskovsek NV, Rose NR : Cell damage and autoimmunity : a critical appraisal. J Autoimmun 30:5-11,2008
7) Yokota S, Imagawa T, Mori M, et al : Efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in patients with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, withdrawal phase III trial. Lancet 371:998-1006,2008
8) Imagawa T, Yokota S, Mori M, et al : Safety and efficacy of tocilizumab, an anti-IL-6-receptor monoclonal antibody, in patients with polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Mod Rheumatol 22:109-115,2012
9) Imagawa T, Nishikomori R, Takeda H, et al. Safety and efficacy of canakinumab in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome : 24-week results from an open-label, phase-3 pivotal study. in press
10) Harden LM, du Plessis I, Poole S, et al : Interleukin-6 and leptin mediate lipopolysaccharide-induced fever and sickness behavior. Physiol Behav 89:146-155,2006
11) Nishikawa T, Hagihara K, Serada S, et al : Transcriptional complex formation of c-Fos, STAT3, and hepatocyte NF-1α is essential for cytokine-driven C-reactive protein gene expression. J Immunol 180:3492-3501,2008
12) Hagihara K, Nishikawa T, Sugamata Y, et al : Essential role of STAT3 in cytokine-driven NF-kappaB-mediated serum amyloid A gene expression. Genes Cells 10:1051-1063,2005
13) Kishimoto T, Taga T, Akira S : Cytokine signal transduction. Cell 76:253-262,1994
14) Aksentijevich I, Masters SL, Ferguson PJ, et al : An autoinflammatory disease with deficiency of the interleukin-1-receptor antagonist. N Engl J Med 360:2426-2437,2009
15) Dinarello CA : Interleukin-18.Methods 19:121-132,1999
16) Bradham CA, Qian T, Streetz K, et al : The mitochondrial permeability transition is required for tumor necrosis factor alpha-mediated apoptosis and cytochrome c release. Mol Cell Biol 18:6353-6364,1998
17) Zandman-Goddard G, Shoenfeld Y : Hyperferritinemia in autoimmunity. Isr Med Assoc J 10:83-84,2008
18) Semb H, Peterson J, Tavernier J, et al : Multiple effects of tumor necrosis factor on lipoprotein lipase in vivo. J Biol Chem 262:8390-8394,1987
19) Nakajima S, Naruto T, Miyamae T, et al : Interleukin-6 inhibits early differentiation of ATDC5 chondrogenic progenitor cells. Cytokine 47:91-97,2009
20) Levi M, ten Cate H, van der Poll T : Endothelium : interface between coagulation and inflammation. Crit Care Med 30:S220-S224,2002