今月の主題 成長と臨床検査値
最近の脳画像研究では,近赤外線分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy;NIRS)の原理を用いて脳の血液量変化を推定する手法が盛んに用いられるようになってきた.本稿の目的は,NIRSの原理について簡単に解説し,脳機能の診断にNIRSがどのように使われているのかについて概観することである.一般に,脳機能は,記憶,思考,意思決定など認知機能にかかわる神経活動と,気分や感情の障害にかかわる神経活動に分けることができる.
最近の脳画像研究では,近赤外線分光法(near-infrared spectroscopy;NIRS)の原理を用いて脳の血液量変化を推定する手法が盛んに用いられるようになってきた.本稿の目的は,NIRSの原理について簡単に解説し,脳機能の診断にNIRSがどのように使われているのかについて概観することである.一般に,脳機能は,記憶,思考,意思決定など認知機能にかかわる神経活動と,気分や感情の障害にかかわる神経活動に分けることができる.
-Hb shifts and bloodflow. Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 64:452-453,1977
2) Tanida M, Sakatani K, Tsujii T : Relation between working memory performance and evoked cerebral blood oxygenation changes in the prefrontal cortex evaluated by quantitative time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy. Neurol Res 34:114-119,2012
3) Tsujii T, Komatsu K, Sakatani K : Acute effects of physical exercise on prefrontal cortex activity in older adults : A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Adv Exp Med Biol in press
4) Tsujii T, Yamamoto E, Ohira T, et al : Effects of sedative and non-sedative H1 antagonists on cognitive tasks : behavioral and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) examinations. Psychopharmacology 194:83-91,2007
5) Tsujii T, Sakatani K, Nakashima E, et al : Characterization of the acute effects of alcohol on asymmetry of inferior frontal cortex activity during a Go/No-Go task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Psychopharmacology 217:595-603,2011
6) Tsujii T, Watanabe S : Neural correlates of belief-bias reasoning under time pressure : a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neuroimage 50:1320-1326,2010
7) Tsujii T, Yamamoto E, Masuda S, et al : Longitudinal study of spatial working memory development in young children. Neuroreport 20:759-763,2009
8) 福田正人:NIRS波形の臨床判読―先進医療「うつ症状の光トポグラフィー検査」ガイドブック,中山書店,2011
9) Tanida M, Sakatani K, Takano R, et al : Relation between asymmetry of prefrontal cortex activities and the autonomic nervous system during a mental arithmetic task : near infrared spectroscopy study. Neurosci Lett 369:69-74,2004
10) Tanida M, Katsuyama M, Sakatani K : Effects of fragrance administration on stress-induced prefrontal cortex activity and sebum secretion in the facial skin. Neurosci Lett 432:157-161,2008
11) Aoki R, Sato H, Katura T, et al : Relationship of negative mood with prefrontal cortex activity during working memory tasks : an optical topography study. Neurosci Res 70:189-196,2011
12) Sato M, Ishikawa W, Suzuki T, et al : Bayesian STAI anxiety index predictions based on prefrontal cortex NIRS data for the resting state. Adv Exp Med Biol in press