今月の主題 周産期の臨床検査
1) 石川睦男:妊産婦死亡と肺血栓塞栓症―1991年~1992年の妊産婦死亡全国調査の分析.厚生省心身障害研究―妊産婦死亡の防止に関する研究,平成8年度研究報告書,pp123-128,1997
2) Sugimura M, Donato R, Kakkar VV, et al : Annexin V as a probe of the contribution of anionic phospholipids to the procoagulant activity of tumour cell surfaces. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 5:365-373,1994
3) Sugimura M, Kobayashi T, Shu F, et al : Annexin V inhibits phosphatidylserine-induced intrauterine growth restriction in mice. Placenta 20:555-560,1999
4) Sugimura M, Ohashi R, Kobayashi T : Intraplacental coagulation in intrauterine growth restriction : cause or result? Semin Thromb Hemost 27:107-113,2001
5) Sugimura M, Kobayashi T, Kanayama N, et al : Detection of decreased response to activated protein C during pregnancy by an endogenous thrombin potential-based assay. Semin Thromb Hemost 25:497-502,1999
6) Shu F, Sugimura M, Kobayashi H, et al : Activated protein C prevents development of phosphatidylserine-induced intrauterine growth restriction in mice. Semin Thromb Hemost 27:99-105,2001
7) Sugimura M, Kobayashi H, Terao T : Plasmin modulators, aprotinin and anti-catalytic plasmin antibody, efficiently inhibit destruction of bovine vascular endothelial cells by choriocarcinoma cells. Gynecol Oncol 52:337-346,1994
8) Ohashi R, Sugimura M, Kanayama N : Estrogen administration enhances thrombin generation in rats. Thromb Res 112:325-328,2003
9) Hellgren M : Hemostasis during normal pregnancy and puerperium. Semin Thromb Hemost 29:125-130,2003
10) 真木正博,寺尾俊彦,池ノ上克:産科DICスコア.産婦治療 50:119-124,1985
11) Hirai K, Sugimura M, Ohashi R, et al : A rapid activated protein C sensitivity test as a diagnostic marker for a suspected venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and puerperium. Gynecol Obstet Invest 72:55-62,2011
12) Makino S, Sugimura M, Yorifuji T, et al : Evaluation of a dose-monitoring method for prophylactic anticoagulant therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin. Int J Clin Med 2:429-434,2011