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今月の特集1 個別化医療を担う―コンパニオン診断


著者: 松下一之1234 野村文夫1234

所属機関: 1千葉大学大学院 医学研究院分子病態解析学 2千葉大学医学部附属病院 検査部 3千葉大学医学部附属病院 遺伝子診療部 4千葉大学医学部附属病院 疾患プロテオミクスセンター

ページ範囲:P.889 - P.901






1)第6回科学委員会・医薬品・バイオ製品専門部会 コンパニオン診断薬プロジェクトチーム:コンパニオン診断薬に関するガイダンス案について(http://www.pmda.go.jp/kijunsakusei/file/companion/companion20130927-kagakuiinkai.pdf)
2)日本遺伝子診療学会,遺伝子診断・検査技術推進フォーラム運営委員会(編),登勉(監):個別化医療を進めるための課題と今後の展望(臨床病理レビュー 特集150号),臨床病理刊行会,2013
3)Food and Drug Administration:Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff (In vitro Companion Diagnostic Devices) Draft Guidance, 2011(http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/UCM262327.pdf)
4)European Medicines Agency:Reflection paper on co-development of pharmacogenomic biomarkers and assays in the context of drug development, draft, 2010(http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Scientific_guideline/2010/07/WC500094445.pdf)
6)独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構(Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency:PMDA):「コンパニオン診断薬及び関連する医薬品の開発に関する技術的ガイダンス」(2013年12月24日)
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14)International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium:Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome. Nature 431:931-945,2004
15)Hughes T, Deininger M, Hochhaus A, et al:Monitoring CML patients responding to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: review and recommendations for harmonizing current methodology for detecting BCR-ABL transcripts and kinase domain mutations and for expressing results. Blood 108:28-37,2006
16)Sutani A, Nagai Y, Udagawa K, et al:Gefitinib for non-small-cell lung cancer patients with epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations screened by peptide nucleic acid-locked nucleic acid PCR clamp. Br J Cancer 95:1483-1489,2006
17)日本臨床腫瘍学会KRAS遺伝子変異検討小委員会:大腸がん患者におけるKRAS遺伝子変異の測定に関するガイダンス 第1版,2008
18)奥村伸生,戸塚実,矢冨裕:臨床検査法提要 改訂33版(金井正光監修),金原出版,pp1193-1195,2010
19)Jass JR:Classification of colorectal cancer based on correlation of clinical, morphological and molecular features. Histopathology 50:113-130,2007
21)佐藤守,曽川一幸,野村文夫:定量的質量分析法の最近の進歩.日臨検自動化会誌 37:175-181,2012
22)登勉(企画):コンパニオン診断─診断薬開発から臨床応用へ.医学のあゆみ 248:821-876,2014
23)野村文夫:疾患プロテオミクスの最前線:消化器領域の新しい疾患マーカー探索への応用.日内会誌 97:128-134,2008
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26)Diehl F, Schmidt K, Choti MA, et al:Circulating mutant DNA to assess tumor dynamics. Nat Med 14:985-990,2008
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28)Guadagni F, Kantor J, Aloe S, et al:Detection of blood-borne cells in colorectal cancer patients by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for carcinoembryonic antigen messenger RNA: longitudinal analyses and demonstration of its potential importance as an adjunct to multiple serum markers. Cancer Res 61:2523-2532,2001
29)Diehl F, Li M, Dressman D, et al:Detection and quantification of mutations in the plasma of patients with colorectal tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:16368-16373,2005
30)Matsushita K, Tomonaga T, Shimada H, et al:An essential role of alternative splicing of c-myc suppressor FUSE-binding protein-interacting repressor in carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 66:1409-1417,2006
31)Matsushita K, Kajiwara T, Tamura M, et al:SAP155-mediated splicing of FUSE-binding protein-interacting repressor serves as a molecular switch for c-myc gene expression. Mol Cancer Res 10:787-799,2012
32)Kajiwara T, Matsushita K, Itoga S, et al:SAP155-mediated c-myc suppressor far-upstream element-binding protein-interacting repressor splicing variants are activated in colon cancer tissues. Cancer Sci 104:149-156,2013
33)Nomura F, Sogawa K, Noda K, et al:Serum anti-Ku86 is a potential biomarker for early detection of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 421:837-843,2012





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