今月の特集2 健診・人間ドックと臨床検査
1)渡辺清明:新たな健診の基本検査の基準範囲 日本人間ドック学会と健保連による150万人のメガスタディー,2013(http://www.ningen-dock.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/megastudy.pdf)
2)National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards:How to define, determine and utilize reference intervals in the clinical laboratory; Approved Guideline. NCCLS document C28-P (Vol.12, No.2), NCCLS, Villanova PA,1992
3)Solberg HE:International Federation of Clinical Chemistry. Scientific committee, Clinical Section. Expert Panel on Theory of Reference Values and International Committee for Standardization in Haematology Standing Committee on Reference Values. Approved recommendation (1986) on the theory of reference values. Part 1. The concept of reference values. Clin Chim Acta 165:111-118,1987
4)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Defining, Establishing, and Verifying Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline, 3rd ed. CLSI document C28-A3, CLSI, Wayne PA,2008
5)Ichihara K, Ceriotti F, Tam TH, et al:The Asian project for collaborative derivation of reference intervals: (1) strategy and major results of standardized analytes. Clin Chem Lab Med 51:1429-1442,2013