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今月の特集1 血液学検査を支える標準化


著者: 永井豊1

所属機関: 1日本光電工業株式会社

ページ範囲:P.1396 - P.1402








1)Palmer L, Briggs C, McFadden S, et al:ICSH recommendations for the standardization of nomenclature and grading of peripheral blood cell morphological features. Int J Lab Hematol 37:287-303,2015
2)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Reference Leukocyte (WBC) Differential Count (Proportional) and Evaluation of Instrumental Methods;Approved Standard, 2nd ed. CLSI document H20-A2, CLSI, Wayne PA,2007
3)Roussel M, Davis BH, Fest T, et al:International Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH). Toward a reference method for leukocyte differential counts in blood: comparison of three flow cytometric candidate methods. Cytometry A 81:973-982,2012
4)Briggs C, Culp N, Davis B, et al:International Council for Standardization of Haematology. ICSH guidelines for the evaluation of blood cell analysers including those used for differential leucocyte and reticulocyte counting. Int J Lab Hematol 36:613-627,2014
5)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Validation, Verification, and Quality Assurance of Automated Hematology Analyzers;Approved Standard, 2nd ed. CLSI document H26-A2, Wayne PA,2010
6)Nagai Y, Kondo H, Tatsumi N:A study on leukocyte classification method for low rate cells in peripheral blood using a flow cytometric analysis, 7th Asian Network for Clinical Laboratory Standardization and Harmonization Congress, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 62,2006
7)Nagai Y, Kondo H:Country Report (Japan) JSLH Activity - Cell surface antigen laboratory procedure by flow cytometry as the reference method of the white blood cell classification-, 11th Asian Network for Clinical Laboratory Standardization and Harmonization Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia,2010
8)Nagai Y:Update on the blood cell differential as reference method by flow cytometry. Cytometry Research 21:13-22,2011
9)Björnsson S, Wahlström S, Norström E, et al:Total nucleated cell differential for blood and bone marrow using a single tube in a five-color flow cytometer. Cytometry B Clin Cytom 74:91-103,2008
10)Roussel M, Benard C, Ly-Sunnaram B, et al:Refining the white blood cell differential: the first flow cytometry routine application. Cytometry A 77:552-563,2010
11)Faucher JL, Lacronique-Gazaille C, Frébet E, et al:“6 markers/5 colors” extended white blood cell differential by flow cytometry. Cytometry A 71:934-944,2007
12)近藤弘,永井豊,小川恵津子,他:フローサイトメトリーによる白血球分類のための日本検査血液学会参照法の検討.日検血会誌 17:169-181,2016
13)Kawai Y, Kondo H, Nagai Y, et al:Evaluation of hematological values obtained with reference automated hematology analyzers of six manufacturers (JSLH SURVEY). Int J Lab Hematol 34(Suppl.1):94-95,2012. the 25th International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology, Nice, France
14)Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology (JSLH):Toward a reference method for leukocyte differential counts in blood for evaluation of automated hematology analyzers:Validation of flowcytometric JSLH Diff method and SOP, the 27th International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology, The Hague, Netherlands,2014





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