今月の特集2 実践に役立つ呼吸機能検査の測定手技
1)Woolcock AJ, Vincent NJ, Macklem PT:Frequency dependence of compliance as a test for obstruction in the small airways. J Clin Invest 48:1097-1106,1969
2)Hughes JM, Rosenzweig DY, Kivitz PB:Site of airway closure in excised dog lungs: histologic demonstration. J Appl Physiol 29:340-344,1970
3)日本呼吸器学会肺生理専門委員会:基本編 8.クロージングボリューム.臨床呼吸機能検査 第7版,メディカルレビュー社,pp79-88,2008
4)Anthonisen NR, Danson J, Robertson PC, et al:Airway closure as a function of age. Respir Physiol 8:58-65,1969
5)Dollfuss RE, Milic-Emili J, Bates DV:Regional ventilation of the lung, studied with boluses of 133xenon. Respir Physiol 2:234-246,1967
6)Buist AS, Ross BB:Predicted values for closing volumes using a modified single breath nitrogen test. Am Rev Respir Dis 107:744-752,1973
7)Milic-Emili J, Henderson JA, Dolovich MB, et al:Regional distribution of inspired gas in the lung. J Appl Physiol 21:749-759,1966
8)日本臨床衛生検査技師会:第3章 Ⅵ N2単一呼出洗い出し曲線(クロージングボリューム).呼吸機能検査の実際,日本臨床衛生検査技師会,pp85-90,2005
9)大久保善朗,川良徳弘,東條尚子,他:第Ⅲ章 Ⅲ.1.換気の不均等分布の検査法.臨床検査学講座 生理機能検査学 第3版,医歯薬出版,pp251-254,2010
10)Comroe JH Jr, Fowler WS:Lung function studies. VI. Detection of uneven alveolar ventilation during a single breath of oxygen. Am J Med 10:408-413,1951
11)Buist AS, Ross BB:Quantitative analysis of the alveolar plateau in the diagnosis of early airway obstruction. Am Rev Respir Dis 108:1078-1087,1973
12)Mansell A, Bryan C, Levison H:Airway closure in children. J Appl Physiol 33:711-714,1972
13)Buist AS, Ross BB:Predicted values for closing volumes using a modified single breath nitrogen test. Am Rev Respir Dis 107:744-752,1973
14)Leblanc P, Ruff F, Milic-Emili J:Effects of age and body position on “airway closure” in man. J Appl Physiol 28:448-451,1970