今月の特集1 臨床検査の価値を高める
1)Byron SK, Crabb N, George E, et al:The Health Technology Assessment of companion diagnostics: experience of NICE. Clin Cancer Res 20:1469-1476,2014
2)Brock G, Castellanos-Rizaldos E, Hu L, et al:Liquid biopsy for cancer screening, patient stratification and monitoring. Transl Cancer Res 4:280-290,2015
3)Dressman D, Yan H, Traverso G, et al:Transforming single DNA molecules into fluorescent magnetic particles for detection and enumeration of genetic variations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100:8817-8822,2003
4)Diehl F, Li M, Dressman D, et al:Detection and quantification of mutations in the plasma of patients with colorectal tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:16368-16373,2005
5)Lin CN, Emery TJ, Little RR, et al:Effects of hemoglobin C, D, E, and S traits on measurements of HbA1c by six methods. Clin Chim Acta 413:819-821,2012
6)日本臨床化学会酵素専門委員会:ヒト血清中酵素活性測定の勧告法 アルカリフォスファターゼ(ALP).臨化,19:209-227,1990
7)Schumann G, Klauke R, Canalias F, et al:IFCC primary reference procedures for the measurement of catalytic activity concentrations of enzymes at 37 ℃. Part 9: reference procedure for the measurement of catalytic concentration of alkaline phosphatase International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Scientific Division, Committee on Reference Systems of Enzymes (C-RSE) (1). Clin Chem Lab Med 49:1439-1446,2011