今月の特集1 血小板の異常を正しく診断するために
1)McFadyen JD, Kaplan ZS:Platelets are not just for clots. Transfus Med Rev 29:110-119,2015
2)Podda G, Femia EA, Cattaneo M:Current and emerging approaches for evaluating platelet disorders. Int J Lab Hematol 38(Suppl1):50-58,2016
3)Dovlatova N:Current status and future prospects for platelet function testing in the diagnosis of inherited bleeding disorders. Br J Haematol 170:150-161,2015
4)Harrison P, Mackie I, Mumford A, et al:Guidelines for the laboratory investigation of heritable disorders of platelet function. Br J Haematol 155:30-44,2011
5)Paniccia R, Priora R, Liotta AA, et al:Platelet function tests: a comparative review. Vasc Health Risk Manag 11:133-148,2015
6)佐藤金夫,長田誠,尾崎由基男:血小板機能検査.臨検 60:136-143,2016
7)Yamamoto J, Inoue N, Otsui K, et al:Global Thrombosis Test (GTT) can detect major determinants of haemostasis including platelet reactivity, endogenous fibrinolytic and thrombin generating potential. Thromb Res 133:919-926,2014
8)Campbell J, Ridgway H, Carville D:Plateletworks: a novel point of care platelet function screen. Mol Diagn Ther 12:253-258,2008
9)Carr ME Jr:In vitro assessment of platelet function. Transfus Med Rev 11:106-115,1997
10)尾崎由基男:血小板機能で血栓を切る 血栓症の診断,抗血小板療法のモニタリングに血小板機能測定は有用か?.日血栓止血会誌 18:109-116,2007
11)Kaneko M, Takafuta T, Cuyun-Lira O, et al:Evaluation of platelet function under high shear condition in the small-sized collagen bead column. J Lab Clin Med 146:64-75,2005
12)冨山佳昭,佐藤金夫,尾崎由基男,他:「透過光血小板凝集検査法の標準化:国際血栓止血学会血小板機能標準化部会からの提言」の紹介と解説.日血栓止血会誌 27:365-369,2016
13)Cattaneo M, Cerletti C, Harrison P, et al:Recommendations for the Standardization of Light Transmission Aggregometry: A Consensus of the Working Party from the Platelet Physiology Subcommittee of SSC/ISTH. J Thromb Haemost 11:1183-1189,2013
14)Lawrie AS, Kobayashi K, Lane PJ, et al:The automation of routine light transmission platelet aggregation. Int J Lab Hematol 36:431-438,2014
15)佐藤金夫:全血を測定試料とする血小板機能評価法.日血栓止血会誌 23:288-293,2012
16)Pai M, Wang G, Moffat KA, Diagnostic usefulness of a lumi-aggregometer adenosine triphosphate release assay for the assessment of platelet function disorders. Am J Clin Pathol 136:350-358,2011
17)Hosokawa K, Ohnishi T, Kondo T, et al:A novel automated microchip flow-chamber system to quantitatively evaluate thrombus formation and antithrombotic agents under blood flow conditions. J Thromb Haemost 9:2029-2037,2011
18)Hirowatari Y, Hara K, Kamihata H, et al:High-performance liquid chromatographic method with column-switching and post-column reaction for determination of serotonin levels in platelet-poor plasma. Clin Biochem 37:191-197,2004
19)金子誠,矢冨裕:観血的手技に伴う出血の危険を予測するために適した検査はあるか?.臨床に直結する血液疾患診療のエビデンス ベッドサイドですぐに役立つリファレンスブック(神田善伸編),文光堂,pp12-16,2009
20)Chu SG, Becker RC, Berger PB, et al:Mean platelet volume as a predictor of cardiovascular risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Thromb Haemost 8:148-156,2010
21)Sansanayudh N, Numthavaj P, Muntham D, et al:Prognostic effect of mean platelet volume in patients with coronary artery disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thromb Haemost 114:1299-1309,2015