今月の特集2 微量金属元素と生体機能—メタロミクス研究から臨床検査へ
1)Michalke B, Nischwitz V:Review on metal speciation analysis in cerebrospinal fluid-current methods and results: a review. Anal Chim Acta 682:23-36,2010
2)Roos PM, Vesterberg O, Syversen T, et al:Metal concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma from patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Biol Trace Elem Res 151:159-170,2013
3)川原正博:微量元素の生体機能と疾患 アルミニウムと神経疾患.日臨 74:1176-1185,2016
4)Kawahara M, Muramoto K, Kobayashi K, et al:Aluminum promotes the aggregation of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 198:531-535,1994
5)Bush AI, Pettingell WH, Multhaup G, et al:Rapid induction of Alzheimer A beta amyloid formation by zinc. Science 265:1464-1467,1994
6)川原正博,水野大:微量元素と神経疾患:疾患関連タンパクと金属とのシナプス間隙における相互作用.Biomed Res Trace Elements 26:10-22,2015
7)Mizuno D, Koyama H, Ohkawara S, et al:Involvement of trace elements in the pathogenesis of prion diseases. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 15:1049-1057,2014
8)川原正博,定金豊,水野大:神経疾患と亜鉛.亜鉛栄養治療 5:25-36,2014
9)Kawahara M, Mizuno D, Koyama H, et al:Disruption of zinc homeostasis and the pathogenesis of senile dementia. Metallomics 6:209-219,2014
10)Fonteh AN, Harrington RJ, Tsai A, et al:Free amino acid and dipeptide changes in the body fluids from Alzheimer's disease subjects. Amino Acids 32:213-224,2007