今月の特集2 実は増えている“梅毒”
1)Fan T, Rogers A:Screening for Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant Adults and Adolescents. Am Fam Physician 96:393-394,2017
2)Workowski KA, Bolan GA:Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, 2015. MMWR Recomm Rep 64:1-137,2015
3)日本性感染症学会2016ガイドライン委員会:性感染症 診断・治療 ガイドライン 2016.日性感染症会誌 27(Suppl):1-171,2016(http://jssti.umin.jp/pdf/guideline-2016.pdf)(最終アクセス:2017年12月21日)
4)Clement ME, Hicks CB:RPR and the serologic diagnosis of syphilis. JAMA 312:1922-1923,2014
5)World Health Organization (WHO):WHO guidelines for the treatment of Treponema pallidum (syphilis), World Health Organization, Geneva,2016
6)Batteiger BE, Fraiz J, Newhall WJ, et al:Association of recurrent chlamydial infection with gonorrhea. J Infect Dis 159:661-669,1989
7)笹原鉄平:ホスピタリストがみる性感染症:梅毒,淋菌,PIDの診断・治療戦略.Hospitalist 5:553-564,2017
8)Ahsan S, Burrascano J:Neurosyphilis: An Unresolved Case of Meningitis. Case Rep Infect Dis 2015:634259,2015
9)Goniewicz M, Włoszczak-Szubzda A, Niemcewicz M, et al:Injuries caused by sharp instruments among healthcare workers--international and Polish perspectives. Ann Agric Environ Med 19:523-527,2012
10)Seña AC, Wolff M, Martin DH, et al:Predictors of serological cure and Serofast State after treatment in HIV-negative persons with early syphilis. Clin Infect Dis 53:1092-1099,2011