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今月の特集1 血栓止血学のトピックス—求められる検査の原点と進化


著者: 松本智子1

所属機関: 1天理医療大学臨床検査学科

ページ範囲:P.1402 - P.1408






1)小川覚,岡林志帆子:大量出血における止血機能モニタリング.Thromb Med 6:17-25,2016
2)Matsumoto T, Nogami K, Ogiwara K, et al:A modified thrombin generation test for investigating very low levels of factor VIII activity in hemophilia A. Int J Hematol 90:576-582,2009
3)Shima M, Matsumoto T, Fukuda K, et al:The utility of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) clot waveform analysis in the investigation of hemophilia A patients with very low levels of factor VIII activity (FVIII:C). Thromb Haemost 87:436-441,2002
4)Shima M, Thachil J, Nair SC, et al:Towards standardization of clot waveform analysis and recommendations for its clinical applications. J Thromb Haemost 11:1417-1420,2013
5)Katayama H, Matsumoto T, Wada H, et al:An Evaluation of Hemostatic Abnormalities in Patients With Hemophilia According to the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Waveform. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 24:1170-1176,2018
distinguishes between very low and absent levels of factor VIII activity in patients with severe haemophilia A. Haemophilia 23:e427-e435,2017
7)Matsumoto T, Nogami K, Shima M:A combined approach using global coagulation assays quickly differentiates coagulation disorders with prolonged aPTT and low levels of FVIII activity. Int J Hematol 105:174-183,2017
8)Matsumoto T, Nogami K, Ogiwara K, et al:A putative inhibitory mechanism in the tenase complex responsible for loss of coagulation function in acquired haemophilia A patients with anti-C2 autoantibodies. Thromb Haemost 107:288-301,2012
9)Matsumoto T, Nogami K, Shima M:Coagulation function and mechanisms in various clinical phenotypes of patients with acquired factor V inhibitors. J Thromb Haemost 12:1503-1512,2014
10)Hasegawa M, Wada H, Tone S, et al:Monitoring of hemostatic abnormalities in major orthopedic surgery patients treated with edoxaban by APTT waveform. Int J Lab Hematol 40:49-55,2018
11)Wakui M, Fujimori Y, Katagiri H, et al:Assessment of in vitro effects of direct thrombin inhibitors and activated factor X inhibitors through clot waveform analysis. J Clin Pathol 72:244-250,2019
12)Matsumoto T, Nogami K, Shima M:Simultaneous measurement of thrombin and plasmin generation to assess the interplay between coagulation and fibrinolysis. Thromb Haemost 110:761-768,2013
13)Nogami K, Matsumoto T, Sasai K, et al:A novel simultaneous clot-fibrinolysis waveform analysis for assessing fibrin formation and clot lysis in haemorrhagic disorders. Br J Haematol 187:518-529,2019
14)野上恵嗣,中島由翔:血友病と線溶系.日血栓止血会誌 31:366-372,2020
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16)Onishi T, Nogami K, Ishihara T:A Pathological Clarification of Sepsis-Associated Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Based on Comprehensive Coagulation and Fibrinolysis Function.Thromb Haemost 120:1257-1269,2020
17)Oka S, Wakui M, Fujimori Y, et al:Application of clot-fibrinolysis waveform analysis to assessment of in vitro effects of direct oral anticoagulants on fibrinolysis. Int J Lab Hematol 42:292-298,2020





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