今月の特集 腫瘍随伴症候群
1)志関雅幸,泉二登志子:診断へのアプローチ 赤血球増加症.日内会誌 96:1357-1362,2007
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3)外山圭助:腫瘍に伴う赤血球増多症.臨血 15:249-256,1974
4)Palapattu GS, Kristo B, Rajfer J:Paraneoplastic syndromes in urologic malignancy: the many faces of renal cell carcinoma. Rev Urol 4:163-170,2002
5)Luo JC, Hwang SJ, Wu JC, et al:Paraneoplastic syndromes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan. Cancer 86:799-804,1999
6)Loughlin KR, Gittes RF, Partridge D, et al:The relationship of lactoferrin to the anemia of renal cell carcinoma. Cancer 59:566-571,1987
7)Wiesener MS, Seyfarth M, Warnecke C, et al:Paraneoplastic erythrocytosis associated with an inactivating point mutation of the von Hippel-Lindau gene in a renal cell carcinoma. Blood 99:3562-3565,2002
8)Gangat N, Szuber N, Pardanani A, et al:JAK2 unmutated erythrocytosis: current diagnostic approach and therapeutic views. Leukemia 35:2166-2181,2021
9)Chang PE, Ong WC, Lui HF, et al:Epidemiology and prognosis of paraneoplastic syndromes in hepatocellular carcinoma. ISRN Oncol 2013:684026,2013
10)Sykes DB, Schroyens W, O'Connell C:The TEMPI syndrome--a novel multisystem disease. N Engl J Med 365:475-477,2011
11)Kitayama H, Kondo T, Sugiyama J, et al:Paraneoplastic Erythrocytosis of Colon Cancer, with Serum Erythropoietin within the Normal Reference Range. Am J Case Rep 17:417-420,2016
12)伊禮俊充,種村匡弘,井上雅史,他:著明な赤血球増多症を合併したエリスロポエチン産生巨大肝細胞癌の1切除例.日消外会誌 47:18-25,2014