今月の特集 腫瘍随伴症候群
1)Stertz G:Polymyositis. Berl Klin Wochenschr 53:488-489,1916
2)Hill CL, Zhang Y, Sigurgeirsson B, et al:Frequency of specific cancer types in dermatomyositis and polymyositis: a population-based study. Lancet 357:96-100,2001
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5)Labrador-Horrillo M, Martínez MA, Selva-O'Callaghan A, et al:Anti-TIF1γ antibodies (anti-p155) in adult patients with dermatomyositis: comparison of different diagnostic assays. Ann Rheum Dis 71:993-996,2012
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8)Yang Z, Lin F, Qin B, et al:Polymyositis/dermatomyositis and malignancy risk: a metaanalysis study. J Rheumatol 42:282-291,2015
9)Allenbach Y, Benveniste O, Stenzel W, et al:Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy: clinical features and pathogenesis. Nat Rev Rheumatol 16:689-701,2020
10)Zahr ZA, Baer AN:Malignancy in myositis. Curr Rheumatol Rep 13:208-215,2011
11)Azuma K, Yamada H, Ohkubo M, et al:Incidence and predictive factors for malignancies in 136 Japanese patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis and clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis. Mod Rheumatol 21:178-183,2011
12)Basset-Seguin N, Roujeau JC, Gherardi R, et al:Prognostic factors and predictive signs of malignancy in adult dermatomyositis. A study of 32 cases. Arch Dermatol 126:633-637,1990
13)András C, Ponyi A, Constantin T, et al:Dermatomyositis and polymyositis associated with malignancy: a 21-year retrospective study. J Rheumatol 35:438-444,2008
14)Amoura Z, Duhaut P, Huong DL, et al:Tumor antigen markers for the detection of solid cancers in inflammatory myopathies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14:1279-1282,2005
15)Targoff IN, Mamyrova G, Trieu EP, et al:A novel autoantibody to a 155-kd protein is associated with dermatomyositis. Arthritis Rheum 54:3682-3689,2006
16)Kaji K, Fujimoto M, Hasegawa M, et al:Identification of a novel autoantibody reactive with 155 and 140 kDa nuclear proteins in patients with dermatomyositis: an association with malignancy. Rheumatology (Oxford) 46:25-28,2007
17)Oddis CV, Fertig N, Goel A, et al:Clinical and serological characterization of the anti-MJ antibody in childhood myositis. Arthritis Rheum 40:S139(abstract),1997
18)Fujimoto M, Hamaguchi Y, Kaji K, et al:Myositis-specific anti-155/140 autoantibodies target transcription intermediary factor 1 family proteins. Arthritis Rheum 64:513-522,2012
19)Trallero-Araguás E, Rodrigo-Pendás JÁ, Selva-O'Callaghan A, et al:Usefulness of anti-p155 autoantibody for diagnosing cancer-associated dermatomyositis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis Rheum 64:523-532,2012
20)Gunawardena H, Wedderburn LR, Chinoy H, et al:Autoantibodies to a 140-kd protein in juvenile dermatomyositis are associated with calcinosis. Arthritis Rheum 60:1807-1814,2009
21)Albayda J, Pinal-Fernandez I, Huang W, et al:Antinuclear Matrix Protein 2 Autoantibodies and Edema, Muscle Disease, and Malignancy Risk in Dermatomyositis Patients. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 69:1771-1776,2017
22)Ungprasert P, Leeaphorn N, Hosiriluck N, et al:Clinical features of inflammatory myopathies and their association with malignancy: a systematic review in asian population. ISRN Rheumatol 2013:509354,2013
23)Hida A, Yamashita T, Hosono Y, et al:Anti-TIF1-γ antibody and cancer-associated myositis: A clinicohistopathologic study. Neurology 87:299-308,2016
24)Tiniakou E, Mammen AL:Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies and Malignancy: a Comprehensive Review. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 52:20-33,2017
25)Oldroyd AGS, Allard AB, Callen JP, et al:A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform cancer screening guidelines in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Rheumatology (Oxford) 60:2615-2628,2021
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27)Neri R, Barsotti S, Iacopetti V, et al:Cancer-associated myositis: a 35-year retrospective study of a monocentric cohort. Rheumatol Int 34:565-569,2014
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29)Mebazaa A, Boussen H, Nouira R, et al:Dermatomyositis and breast cancer: a multicenter Tunisian retrospective study of 13 cases. Tunis Med 89:18-22,2011
30)András C, Ponyi A, Constantin T, et al:Dermatomyositis and polymyositis associated with malignancy: a 21-year retrospective study. J Rheumatol 35:438-444,2008
31)Hirai T, Tsujihata M, Ueda T, et al:A case of polymyositis associated with adrenal carcinoma. Int J Urol 14:952-953,2007
32)Takahashi F, Tsuta K, Nagaoka T, et al:Successful resection of dermatomyositis associated with thymic carcinoma: report of a case. Surg Today 38:245-248,2008
33)Masuda H, Urushibara M, Kihara K:Successful treatment of dermatomyositis associated with adenocarcinoma of the prostate after radical prostatectomy. J Urol 169:1084,2003
34)Yoshinaga A, Hayashi T, Ishii N, et al:Successful cure of dermatomyositis after treatment of nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Int J Urol 12:593-595,2005
35)Yamashita K, Hosokawa M, Hirohashi S, et al:Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric cancer in a patient with dermatomyositis. Intern Med 40:96-99,2001
36)Caratta PR, Mafort T, Pamplona M, et al:Paraneoplastic vesiculobullous dermatomyositis with synchronic prostate and tongue tumors: case report. Rev Bras Reumatol 51:394-407,2011