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今月の特集1 標準化とトレーサビリティ体系


著者: 近藤弘1 永井豊1 竹田知広1

所属機関: 1関西医療大学保健医療学部臨床検査学科

ページ範囲:P.1372 - P.1376








1)ISO 17511:2020, In vitro diagnostic medical devices—Requirements for establishing metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators, trueness control materials and human samples,体外診断用医薬品・医療機器—キャリブレータ,真度管理用物質及びヒト試料に付与された値の計量計測トレーサビリティ確立のための要求事項
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10)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Procedure for Determining Packed Cell Volume by the Microhematocrit Method; Approved Standard, 3rd ed. CLSI document H07-A3, CLSI, Wayne PA, 2000
11)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Validation, Verification, and Quality Assurance of Automated Hematology Analyzers; Approved Standard, 2nd ed. CLSI document H26-A2, CLSI, Wayne PA, 2010
12)Harrison P, Ault KA, Chapman S, et al:An interlaboratory study of a candidate reference method for platelet counting. Am J Clin Pathol 115:448-459,2001
13)竹田知広,永井豊,近藤弘:血小板数標準測定操作法.検と技 50:28-34,2022
14)永井豊:自動血球分析項目の精確さ検証と標準化の現状.Mod Media 70:119-126,2024
16)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Reference Leukocyte (WBC) Differential Count (Proportional) and Evaluation of Instrumental Methods; Approved Standard, 2nd ed. CLSI document H20-A2, CLSI, Wayne PA, 2007
17)Roussel M, Davis BH, Fest T, et al:Toward a reference method for leukocyte differential counts in blood: comparison of three flow cytometric candidate methods. Cytometry A 81:973-982,2012
18)Kawai Y, Nagai Y, Ogawa E, et al:Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology flow cytometric reference method of determining the differential leukocyte count: external quality assurance using fresh blood samples. Int J Lab Hematol 39:202-222,2017
19)近藤弘,永井豊,小川恵津子,他:フローサイトメトリーによる白血球分類のための日本検査血液学会参照法の検討.日検血会誌 17:169-181,2016
20)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Methods for Reticulocyte Counting (Automated Blood Cell Counters, Flow Cytometry, and Supravital Dyes); Approved Guideline, 2nd ed. CLSI document H44-A2, CLSI, Wayne PA, 2004





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