今月の特集2 人工物感染症
1)Mermel LA:Short-term Peripheral Venous Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections: A Systematic Review. Clin Infect Dis 65:1757-1762,2017
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3)Fagan RP, Edwards JR, Park BJ, et al:Incidence trends in pathogen-specific central line-associated bloodstream infections in US intensive care units, 1990-2010. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 34:893-899,2013
4)Crnich CJ, Maki DG:The promise of novel technology for the prevention of intravascular device-related bloodstream infection. I. Pathogenesis and short-term devices. Clin Infect Dis 34:1232-1242,2002
5)Maki DG, Mermel LA:Infections due to infusion therapy. In: Hospital infections, 4th ed (Bennett JV, Brachman PS, eds), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, PA, pp689-724, 1998
6)Shukrallah B, Hanna H, Hachem R, et al:Correlation between early clinical response after catheter removal and diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream infection. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 58:453-457,2007
7)Mayhall CG:Diagnosis and management of infections of implantable devices used for prolonged venous access. Curr Clin Top Infect Dis 12:83-110,1992
8)Maki DG, Weise CE, Sarafin HW:A semiquantitative culture method for identifying intravenous-catheter-related infection. N Engl J Med 296:1305-1309,1977
9)Cleri DJ, Corrado ML, Seligman SJ:Quantitative culture of intravenous catheters and other intravascular inserts. J Infect Dis 141:781-786,1980
10)Sherertz RJ, Heard SO, Raad II:Diagnosis of triple-lumen catheter infection: comparison of roll plate, sonication, and flushing methodologies. J Clin Microbiol 35:641-646,1997
11)谷道由美子,矢越美智子,矢内充,他:血管内留置カテーテル培養「改良Brun-Buisson法」における塗抹検査の有用性に関する検討.日臨微生物誌 27:289-297,2017
12)Douard MC, Arlet G, Longuet P, et al:Diagnosis of venous access port-related infections. Clin Infect Dis 29:1197-1202,1999
13)Little JR, Murray PR, Traynor PS, et al:A randomized trial of povidone-iodine compared with iodine tincture for venipuncture site disinfection: effects on rates of blood culture contamination. Am J Med 107:119-125,1999
14)厚生労働省院内感染対策サーベイランス事業(JANIS):公開情報 2022年1月〜12月 年報 院内感染対策サーベイランス 集中治療室部門,厚生労働省,2022(https://janis.mhlw.go.jp/report/open_report/2022/3/3/ICU_Open_Report_202200.pdf)(最終アクセス:2023年10月1日)
15)Pardo J, Klinker KP, Borgert SJ, et al:Time to positivity of blood cultures supports antibiotic de-escalation at 48 hours. Ann Pharmacother 48:33-40,2014
16)Harris PN, Ferguson JK:Antibiotic therapy for inducible AmpC β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacilli: what are the alternatives to carbapenems, quinolones and aminoglycosides?. Int J Antimicrob Agents 40:297-305,2012