増大号特集 精神科クリニカル・パール—先達に学ぶ
第3章 薬物療法の先達
clinical pearl
1)石郷岡純:プラセボ比較試験の問題点再考.臨床精神薬理 8:1407-1414, 2006
2)石郷岡純:4.最近の抗うつ薬の有効性をめぐる議論.樋口輝彦,石郷岡純編:専門医のための精神科臨床リュミエール25「向精神薬のリスク・ベネフイット」Ⅱ.薬物療法の到達点B.大うつ病性障害,中山書店,pp126-134, 2011
3)Sawamura J, Ishigooka J, Nishimura K:Re-evaluation of the definition of remission on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale based on recovery in health-related quality of life in an observational post-marketing study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 16:14, 2018
4)石郷岡純:Effectivenessを考慮した抗精神病薬の選択—2大指標としての脱落率と寛解率.臨床精神薬理 10:1639-1649, 2007
5)渡邊衡一郎,澤田法英:統合失調症におけるShared Decision Makingの実現可能性.臨床精神薬理 15:1750-1768, 2012
6)de la Fuente-Fernández R, Ruth TJ, Sossi V, et al:Expectation and dopamine release:mechanism of the placebo effect in Parkinson's disease. Science 293:1164-1166, 2001
7)Stassen HH, Angst J, Hell D, et al:Is there a common resilience mechanism underlying antidepressant drug response? Evidence from 2848 patients. J Clin Psychiatry 68:1195-1205, 2007
8)押淵英弘,石郷岡純:Clozapineの基礎薬理学の進展状況—ドパミン仮説/GABA・グルタミン酸仮説におけるclozapineの知見.臨床精神薬理 21:1465-1472, 2018
9)Muraoka H, Oshibuchi H, Kawano M, et al:Escitalopram attenuates fear stress-induced increase in amygdalar dopamine following methamphetamine-induced sensitisation:implications of fine-tuning action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on emotional processing. Eur J Pharmacol 834:1-9, 2018
10)Kawano T, Oshibuchi H, Kawano M, et al:Diazepam suppresses the stress-induced dopaminergic release in the amygdala of methamphetamine-sensitized rat. Eur J Pharmacol 833:247-254, 2018
11)Miyagi J, Oshibuchi H, Kasai A, et al:Valproic acid inhibits excess dopamine release in response to a fear-conditioned stimulus in the basolateral complex of the amygdala of methamphetamine-sensitized rats. Eur J Pharmacol 730:20-25, 2014