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著者: 井上直美12 水野雅文23

所属機関: 1帝京平成大学大学院臨床心理学研究科 2東邦大学医学部精神神経医学講座 3東京都立松沢病院

ページ範囲:P.1001 - P.1012


 ロールシャッハ・テストは,スイスの精神科医であったHermann Rorschachが1921年にモノグラフ『精神診断学』(“Psychodiagnostik”)1)の刊行とともに発表した10枚の図版刺激から成る心理検査であり,精神科臨床において広く用いられてきた。誕生から100年経った今でも,図版は当時と同じものが使用され続けているが,テストの実施解釈法(“システム”と呼ばれる)に関しては多くの流派が生まれてきた。1974年に5つの体系を統合し,2003年まで改訂が続けられた包括システム(Comprehensive System:CS)2,3)は,異なる実施法の結果を比較可能にした初の統一化されたシステムであり,国際的にも最も使用頻度の高い実施解釈法であった4)
 しかしながら,CSには多くの不備があったため,2011年に米国の研究者Meyerらにより大幅な改良を加えられて作成されたのがRorschach Performance Assessment System(R-PAS)5)である。R-PASは,その後米国以外の国々にも広がり,いまや臨床や研究において用いられるシステムとしてはCSをしのいで主流になりつつある。


1)Rorschach H:Psychodiagnostik:Methodik und Ergebnisse eines Wahrnehmungsdiagnostischen Experiments(Deutenlassen von Zufallsformen). Ernst Bircher, Bern, 1921
2)Exner JE:The Rorschach:A Comprehensive System. Wiley, New York, 1974
3)Exner JE:The Rorschach:A Comprehensive System:Vol. 1. Basic Foundations and Principles of Interpretation. 4th ed. Wiley, New York, 2003(中村紀子,野田昌道監訳:ロールシャッハ・テスト—包括システムの基礎と解釈の原理.金剛出版,2009)
4)Meyer GJ, Hsiao WC, Viglione DJ, et al:Rorschach scores in applied clinical practice:a survey of perceived validity by experienced clinicians. J Pers Assess 95:351-365, 2013
5)Meyer GJ, Vilione D, Mihura JL, et al:Rorschach Performance Assessment System:Administration, Coding, Interpretation, and Technical Manual. Rorschach Performance Assessment System, Ohio, 2011
6)Bleuler E:Dimentia Praecox oder Gruppe der Schizophrenien. Franz Deuticke, Leipzig and Wien, 1911
7)Holzman PS, Levy DL, Johnston MH:The use of the Rorschach technique for assessing formal thought disorder. In:Bornstein RF, Masling JM, ed. Scoring the Rorschach. Seven Validated Systems. Routledge, New York, pp55-96, 2005
8)Kleiger JH:Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena:Clinical, Conceptual, and Empirical Developments. Routledge, New York, 2017
9)Grab HN, Wood JM, Lilienfeld SO, et al:Roots of the Rorschach controversy. Clin Psychol Rev 25:97-118, 2005
10)Lilienfeld SO, Wood JM, Grab HN:The scientific status of projective techniques. Psychol Sci Public Interest 1:27-66, 2000
11)Wood JM, Nezworski MT, Stejskal WJ:The comprehensive system for the Rorschach:a critical Examination. Psychol Sci 7:3-10, 1996
12)Grab HN:Call for a moratorium on the use of the Rorschach Inkblot Test in clinical and forensic settings. Assessment 6:313-317, 1999
13)Mihura JL, Meyer GJ, Dumitrascu N, et al:The validity of individual Rorschach variables:systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the comprehensive system. Psychol Bull 139:548-605, 2013
14)Meyer GJ, Viglione DJ, Mihura JL:Psychometric foundations of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System(R-PAS). In:Erard RE, Evans FB, ed. The Rorschach in Multimethod Forensic Practice. Routledge, New York, pp23-91, 2017
15)Mihura JL, Roy M, Graceffo RA:Psychological assessment training in clinical psychology doctoral programs. J Pers Assess 99:153-164, 2017
). Guilford Press, New York, 2018
18)Meyer GJ, Erdberg P, Shaffer TW:Toward international normative reference data for the Comprehensive System. J Pers Assess 89:S201-S216, 2007
19)Cronbach LJ:Statistical methods applied to Rorschach scores:a review. Psychol Bull 46:393-429, 1949
20)Dean KL, Viglione DJ, Perry W, et al:A method to optimize the response range while maintaining Rorschach Comprehensive System validity. J Pers Assess 89:149-161, 2007
(R-PAS). Guilford Press, New York, pp3-22, 2018
22)American Psychiatric Association:Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth ed. (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington D.C., 2013(日本精神神経学会日本語版用語監修,髙橋三郎,大野裕監訳:DSM-5精神疾患の診断・統計マニュアル.医学書院,2014)
23)Mizuno M, Inoue N:Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome among Japanese Youth and Young Adults:Early Identification and Intervention. In:Seidman L, Shapiro D, Li H, ed. Handbook of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome Across Cultures:International Perspectives on Early Identification and Intervention. Springer, Berlin, pp311-322, 2019
24)R-PAS:Online scoring program. https://r-pas.org(2021年4月6日閲覧)
25)Mihura JL, Dumitrascu N, Roy M, et al:The centrality of the Rorschach process in construct validity:an illustration via the Rorscahch space response. J Pers Assess 100:233-249, 2018
(R-PAS). Guilford Press, New York, pp23-45, 2018
27)Pianowski G, Meyer GJ, de Villemor-Amaral AE, et al:Does the Rorschach Performance Assessment System(R-PAS)differ from the Comprehensive System(CS)on variables relevant to interpretation? J Pers Assess 103:132-147, 2021
28)Hosseininasab A, Meyer GJ, Viglione DJ, et al:The effect of CS administration or an R-Optimized alternative on R-PAS variables:a meta-analysis of findings from six studies. J Pers Assess 101:199-212, 2019
29)Moore RC, Viglione DJ, Rosenfarb IS, et al:Rorschach measures of cognition relate to everyday and social functioning in schizophrenia. Psychol Assess 25:253-263, 2013
30)Su WS, Viglione DJ, Green EE, et al:Cultural and linguistic adaptability of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System as a measure of psychotic characteristics and severity of mental disturbance in Taiwan. Psychol Assess 27:1273-1285, 2015
(R-PAS). Guilford Press, New York, pp84-95, 2018
32)R-PAS:R-PAS Guidelines for In Person Assessment with Physical Distancing. Original version:March 23, 2020;Current version:October 13, 2020.  https://r-pas.org/Docs/R-PAS%20Guidelines%20for%20In%20Person%20Assessment%20with%20Physical%20Distancing.pdf(2021年4月6日閲覧)





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