増大号特集 精神科診療のピットフォール
疾患各論 物質関連・嗜癖性障害
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2)Jauregui P, Estevez A, Urbiola I:Pathological gambling and associated drug and alcohol abuse, emotion regulation, and anxious-depressive symptomatology. J Behav Addict 5:251-260, 2016
3)Poole JC, Kim HS, Dobson KS, et al:Adverse childhood experiences and disordered gyambling:assessing the mediating role of emotion. J Gambl Stud 33:1187-1200, 2017
4)Tucker W, Garn JV, Yang W:Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and gambling in Nevada. Am J Health Behav 45:246-255, 2021
5)小林桜児:人を信じられない病—信頼障害としてのアディクション.日本評論社,p107, 2016
6)Nautiyal, KM, Okuda M, Hen R, et al:Gambling disorder:an integrative review of animal and human studies. Ann NY Acad Sci 1394:106-127, 2017