増大号特集 精神科診療のピットフォール
疾患各論 その他
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3)Yoshiuchi K, Kumano H, Nomura S, et al:Stress and smoking were associated with Graves' disease in women, but not in men. Psychosom Med 60:182-185, 1998
4)Nakahara R, Yoshiuchi K, Hara Y, et al:Prospective study on influence of psychosocial factors on glycemic control in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Psychosomatics 47:240-246, 2006
5)Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, et al:Influence of psychological factors on acute exacerbation of tension-type headache:investigation by ecological momentary assessment. J Psychosom Res 79:239-242, 2015
6)吉内一浩:薬物療法だけで十分ですか? 行動医学的・心身医学的アプローチの日常臨床への応用.吉内一浩編:今日から実践!日常診療に役立つ行動医学・心身医学アプローチ.pp2-7,医歯薬出版,2018
7)Ice GH, James GD:Conducting a field study of stress:general principles. In:Ice GH, James GD, ed. Measuring Stress in Humans. A Practical Guide for the Field. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp3-24, 2007