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特集 わが国の若手による統合失調症研究最前線


著者: 金原信久1

所属機関: 1千葉大学社会精神保健教育研究センター

ページ範囲:P.455 - P.462


 治療抵抗性統合失調症(TRS)は統合失調症患者において少なくとも2種類の抗精神病薬による治療を実施しても,十分な改善が得られない場合に該当する。治療法が限られ,またそれらでさえ十分な効果が得られないことも多く,現在の精神医学において重要な課題である。2010年以降研究が増えてきており,脳画像研究やpolygenic risk scoreによる遺伝子研究などからTRSがその他の統合失調症とは生物学的に異なる病態と捉えられるようになってきた。またTRS移行やクロザピン反応性に関する予測因子に関する知見から,より早期の診断とより早期のクロザピン導入を目指す方向が重視されつつある。診断において有用かつ簡便な検査・評価法は確立されてはいないこと,また治療に関してはクロザピンなど選択肢が限られていることが課題であり,今後さらなる研究の発展が望まれる。


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8)Kanahara N, Kimura H, Oda Y, et al:Recent Discussions on Dopamine Supersensitivity Psychosis:Eight Points to Consider When Diagnosing Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Curr Neuropharmacol 19:2214-2226, 2021
9)Suzuki T, Kanahara N, Yamanaka H, et al:Dopamine supersensitivity psychosis as a pivotal factor in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 227:278-282, 2015
10)Yamanaka H, Kanahara N, Suzuki T, et al:Impact of dopamine supersensitivity psychosis in treatment-resistant schizophrenia:An analysis of multi-factors predicting long-term prognosis. Schizophr Res 170:252-258, 2016
11)Legge SE, Dennison CA, Pardiñas AF, et al:Clinical indicators of treatment-resistant psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 216:259-266, 2020
12)Chisholm K, Lin A, Abu-Akel A, et al:The association between autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders:A review of eight alternate models of co-occurrence. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 55:173-183, 2015
13)Nakata Y, Kanahara N, Kimura A, et al:Autistic traits and cognitive profiles of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Schizophr Res Cogn 22:100186, 2020
14)Nakata Y, Kanahara N, Kimura A, et al:Oxytocin system dysfunction in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia:Alterations of blood oxytocin levels and effect of a genetic variant of OXTR. J Psychiatr Res 138:219-227, 2021
15)Kanahara N, Nakamura M, Shiko Y, et al:Are serum oxytocin concentrations lower in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia?:A 5-year longitudinal study. Asian J Psychiatr 76:103157, 2022
16)Demjaha A, Murray RM, McGuire PK, et al:Dopamine synthesis capacity in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 169:1203-1210, 2012
17)Jauhar S, Veronese M, Nour MM, et al:Determinants of treatment response in first-episode psychosis:an 18F-DOPA PET study. Mol Psychiatry 24:1502-1512, 2019
18)Kim E, Howes OD, Veronese M, et al:Presynaptic Dopamine Capacity in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia Taking Clozapine:An[18F]DOPA PET Study. Neuropsychopharmacology 42:941-950, 2017
19)Brugger SP, Angelescu I, Abi-Dargham A, et al:Heterogeneity of Striatal Dopamine Function in Schizophrenia:Meta-analysis of Variance. Biol Psychiatry 87:215-224, 2020
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21)Pardiñas AF, Smart SE, Willcocks IR, et al:Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants With Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia. JAMA Psychiatry 79:260-269, 2022
22)Martin AK, Mowry B:Increased rare duplication burden genomewide in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Psychol Med 46:469-476, 2016
23)Wimberley T, Gasse C, Meier SM, et al:Polygenic Risk Score for Schizophrenia and Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 43:1064-1069, 2017
24)Kappel DB, Legge SE, Hubbard L, et al:Genomic Stratification of Clozapine Prescription Patterns Using Schizophrenia Polygenic Scores. Biol Psychiatry 93:149-156, 2023
25)Okhuijsen-Pfeifer C, van der Horst MZ, Bousman CA, et al:Genome-wide association analyses of symptom severity among clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Transl Psychiatry 12:145, 2022
26)de Bartolomeis A, Vellucci L, Barone A, et al:Clozapine's multiple cellular mechanisms:What do we know after more than fifty years? A systematic review and critical assessment of translational mechanisms relevant for innovative strategies in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Pharmacol Ther 236:108236, 2022
27)de Bartolomeis A, Manchia M, Marmo F, et al:Glycine Signaling in the Framework of Dopamine-Glutamate Interaction and Postsynaptic Density. Implications for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Front Psychiatry 11:369, 2020
28)Miyazawa A, Kanahara N, Shiko Y, et al:The cortical silent period in schizophrenia:A systematic review and meta-analysis focusing on disease stage and antipsychotic medication. J Psychopharmacol 36:479-488, 2022
29)Ueno F, Nakajima S, Iwata Y, et al:Gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA)levels in the midcingulate cortex and clozapine response in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia:A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy(1 H-MRS)study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 76:587-594, 2022
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31)Kimura H, Kanahara N, Komatsu N, et al:A prospective comparative study of risperidone long-acting injectable for treatment-resistant schizophrenia with dopamine supersensitivity psychosis. Schizophr Res 155:52-58, 2014
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35)Takase M, Kanahara N, Oda Y, et al:The impacts of dopamine D2 receptor polymorphism and antipsychotic dosage on dopamine supersensitivity psychosis in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res 190:182-183, 2017
36)Takase M, Kimura H, Kanahara N, et al:Plasma monoamines change under dopamine supersensitivity psychosis in patients with schizophrenia:A comparison with first-episode psychosis. J Psychopharmacol 34:540-547, 2020
37)Amato D, Kruyer A, Samaha AN, et al:Hypofunctional Dopamine Uptake and Antipsychotic Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Front Psychiatry 10:314, 2019.





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