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7)Ogasawara K, Numata S, Hasegawa N, et al:Subjective assessment of participants in education programs on clinical practice guidelines in the field of psychiatry. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 42:221-225, 2022[PMID:35272393]
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10)Inada K, Fukumoto K, Hasegawa N, et al:Development of individual fitness score for conformity of prescriptions to the “Guidelines For Pharmacological Therapy of Schizophrenia”. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 42:502-509, 2022[PMID:362554805]
11)Fukumoto K, Kodaka F, Hasegawa N, et al:Development of an individual fitness score(IFS)based on the depression treatment guidelines of in the Japanese Society of Mood Disorders. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 43:33-39,2023[PMID:36394160]