Case of the Month
Early Gastric Cancer, Type Ⅱc
ページ範囲:P.849 - P.852
A 41 year-old man visited Tokyo University Hospital with a complaint of epigastric pain after meals since September, 1981. Physical examination was normal. Blood count and blood chemistry were within normal limits. On endoscopic examination on November 19, 1981, there was a shallow depression and irregularreddish granularity with converging folds at the lesser curvature of the gastric body. Endoscopically the lesion was diagnosed as type Ⅱc early cancer. Biopsy comfirmed the presence of signetring cell carcinoma. On November 21, 1981, the detailed x-ray examination revealed a shallow depression and irregular granularity of the mucosa. The converging folds showed tapering and interrution at the maargin of the lesion. On November 26, 1981, subtotal gastrectomy was performed. On the resected specimen a shallow irregular depression, measuring 4.8×3.5 cm in size, was located at the lesser curvature of the gastric body. Histologic examination disclosed signet-ring cell carcinoma with minimal submucosal invasion. There was no lymph node metastasis.