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今月の主題 小腸内視鏡検査法の進歩



著者: 八尾恒良1

所属機関: 1佐田病院

ページ範囲:P.1459 - P.1462



 2000年にGIVEN Imaging社のワイヤレスカプセル内視鏡(wireless capsule endoscopy ; 以後 CE)が発表されて以来1),CEはまたたく間に全世界で使用され数多くの論文が発表されている.しかし,本邦ではいまだ薬事法すら通らず,試用の域を出ていない2)

 ダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡(double balloon endoscopy ; 以後 DBE)は山本博徳らが発明(フジノン東芝),CEのわずか1年後にその論文が発表された3).当初,本邦ではあまり注目されなかったが,欧米での学会発表,ライブなどによって脚光を浴び,本年のみで15編の英文論文が発表されている.


1)Iddan G, Meron G, Glukhovsky A, et al. Wireless capsule endoscopy. Nature 405 : 417, 2000
2)中村哲也,白川勝朗,山岸秀嗣,他.カプセル内視鏡.日内誌 94 : 176-182, 2005
3)Yamamoto H, Sekine Y, Sato Y, et al. Total endoscopy with a nonsurgical steerable double-balloon method. Gastrointest Endosc 53 : 216-220, 2001
4)Costamagna G, Shak SK, Ricciohi ME, et al. A prospective trial comparing small bowel radiographs and video capsule endoscopy for suspected small bowel disease. Gastroenterology 123 : 999-1005, 2002
5)Lianqunsakul S, Chadalawada V, Rex DK, et al. Wireless capsule endoscopy detects small bowel ulcers in patients with normal results from state of the art enteroclysis. Am J Gastroenterol 98 : 1295-1298, 2003
6)Mylonaki M, Fritscher-Ravens A, Swain P. Wireless capsule endoscopy : A comparison with push enteroscopy in patients with gastroscopy and colonoscopy negative gastrointestinal bleeding. Gut 52 : 1122-1126, 2003
7)Swain P(八尾建史訳).ワイヤレスカプセル内視鏡.八尾恒良,飯田三雄(編).小腸疾患の臨床.医学書院,pp 34-40, 2004
8)Pennazio M, Santucci R, Rondonotti E, et al. Outcome of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding after capsule endscopy : Report of 100 consecutive cases. Gastroenterology 126 : 643-653, 2004
9)D´Halluin PN, Delvaux M, Lapalus MG, et al. Does the “Suspected Blood Indicator” improve the detection of bleeding lesions by capsule endoscopy? Gastrointest Endosc 61 : 243-249, 2005
10)Voderholzer WA, Beinhoelzl J, Rogalla P, et al. Small bowel involvement in Crohn's disease : A prospective comparison of wireless capsule endoscopy and computed tomography enteroclysis. Gut 54 : 369-373, 2005
11)Herrerias JM, Caunedo A, Rodriquez-Tellez M, et al. Capsule endoscopy in patients with suspected Crohn´s disease and negative endoscopy. Endoscopy 35 : 564-568, 2003
12)Fireman Z, Mahajna E, Broide E, et al. Diagnosing small bowel Crohn's disease with wireless capsule endoscopy. Gut 52 : 390-392, 2003
13)Graham DY, Opekun AR, Willingham FF, et al. Visible small-intestinal mucosal injury in chronic NSAID ulcers. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 3 : 55-59, 2005
14)Yamamoto H, Kita H, Sunada K, et al. Clinical outcome of double-balloon endoscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of small-intestinal disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2: 1010-1016, 2004
16)八尾恒良,櫻井俊弘,松井敏幸,他.アフタ様病変のみのCrohn病.胃と腸 29 : 507-519, 1994
17)八尾恒良,櫻井俊弘,有馬純孝,他.X線・内視鏡所見からみたCrohn病の術後経過.胃と腸 26 : 627-642, 1991
18)Yao T. Double contrast electrolysis with air. In Freeny PC, Steevenson GW(eds). Margulis and Burhenn´s Alimentary Tract Radiology. Mosby, St Louis, pp 548-551, 1994
19)八尾恒良,櫻井俊弘,竹中国昭,他.診断のための諸検査法―A.X線検査法.八尾恒良,飯田三雄(編).小腸疾患の臨床.医学書院,pp 13-32, 2004





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