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今月の主題 小腸内視鏡検査法の進歩



著者: 松本主之1 江崎幹宏1 森山智彦1 中村昌太郎1 矢田親一朗1 城由起彦1 工藤哲司1 平橋美奈子2 八尾隆史2 飯田三雄1

所属機関: 1九州大学大学院医学研究院病態機能内科学 2九州大学大学院医学研究院形態機能病理

ページ範囲:P.1503 - P.1517


要旨 ゾンデ法小腸X線検査とダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡検査(DBE)を施行した38例のX線・内視鏡所見を比較した.非限局性小腸疾患(炎症性・びまん性小腸疾患,消化管ポリポーシス)30例中1例ではDBEが十二指腸までしか挿入できなかった.他の29例ではX線の異常皺襞像(皺襞腫大,皺襞消失)10病変の50%,粘膜所見(潰瘍,多発結節,多発顆粒)13病変の92%,変形7病変の100%がDBEで異常所見として観察された.また,29例中9例(31%)でX線正常部にDBEで微細所見が認められた.限局性小腸病変(小腸腫瘍,小腸・小腸吻合部)8例のうち,DBE挿入不能例,X線非描出例,X線・内視鏡非描出例が各1例存在した.他の5例ではDBEで皺襞集中所見が,X線で狭窄部の性状や小腸索との関係が明瞭であった.以上より,DBEは小腸疾患の診断に有用であるが,特に非限局性小腸病変ではX線検査との併用が必要と考えられた.


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2)松本主之,檜沢一興,中村昌太郎,他.小腸の非腫瘍性疾患におけるX線検査の有用性.胃と腸 38 : 1005-1016, 2003
3)Yamamoto H, Sekine Y, Sato Y, et al. Total enteroscopy with a nonsurgical steerable double-balloon method. Gastrointest Endosc 53 : 216-220, 2001
4)Yamamoto H, Kita H, Sugano K, et al. Clinical outcomes of double-balloon endoscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of small-intestinal diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2: 1010-1016, 2004
5)Shinozaki S, Yamamoto H, Kita H, et al. Direct observation with double-balloon enteroscopy of an intestinal intramural hematoma resulting in anticoagulant ileus. Dig Dis Sci 49 : 902-905, 2004
6)Yoshida N, Wakabayashi N, Nomura K, et al. Ileal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma showing several ulcers scars detected using double-balloon endoscopy. Endoscopy 36 : 1022-1024, 2004
7)Nishimura M, Yamamoto H, Kita H, et al. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor in the jejunum. Diagnosis and control of bleeding with electrocoagulation by using double-balloon enteroscopy. J Gastroenterol 39 :1001-1004, 2004
8)Ohyama N, Taguchi A, Shirai K, et al. Endoscopic resection of Peutz-Jeghers polyps throughout the small intestine at double-balloon enterocopy without laparotomy. Gastrointest Endosc 61 : 140-147, 2005
9)May A, Nachbar L, Wardak A, et al. Double-balloon enteroscopy. Preliminary experience in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding or chronic abdominal pain. Endoscopy 35 : 985-991, 2003
10)May A, Nachbar L, Ell C. Double-balloon enteroscopy (push-and-pull enteroscopy)for the small bowel. Feasibility and diagnostic and therapeutic yield in patients with suspected small bowel disease. Gastrointest Endosc 62 : 62-70, 2005
11)Matsumoto T, Moriyama T, Esaki M, et al. Performance of antegrade double-balloon enteroscopy. Comparison with push-enteroscopy. Gastrointest Endosc62 : 392-398, 2005
12)Matsumoto T, Esaki M, Moriyama T, et al. Comparison of capsule endoscopy and double-balloon enteroscopy in patients with obscure bleeding and polyposis. Endoscopy 37 : 827-832, 2005
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14)小林茂雄,西沢護,水野幸一,他.小腸のレントゲン検査法.第1 報告.ルーチン検査としての小腸二重造影法.臨放19 : 619-625, 1974
16)Ell C, May A, Nachbar L, et al. Push-and-pull enteroscopy in the small bowel using the double-balloon technique : Results of a prospective European multicenter study. Endoscopy 37 : 613-616, 2005
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18)Hara AK, Leighton JA, Sharma VK, et al. Small bowel : Preliminary comparison of capsule endoscopy with barium study and CT. Radiology 230 : 260-265, 2004
19)Voderholzer WA, Ortner M, Rogalla P, et al. Diagnostic yield of wireless capsule enteroscopy in comparison with computed tomography enteroclysis. Endoscopy 35 : 1009-1014, 2003
20)Voderholzer WA, Beinhoelzl J, Rogalla P, et al. Small bowel involvement in Crohn's disease. A prospective comparison of wireless capsule endoscopy and computed tomography enteroclysis. Gut 54 : 369-373, 2005
21)Lianqpunsakul S, Chadalawada V, Rex DK, et al. Wireless capsule endoscopy detects small bowel ulcers in patients with normal results from state of the art enteroclysis. Am J Gastroenterol 98 : 1295-1298, 2003
22)Eliakim R, Fischer D, Suissa A, et al. Wireless capsule video endsocopy is a superior diagnostic tool in comparison to barium follow-through and computerized tomography in patients with suspected Crohn s disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 15 : 363-367, 2003
23)田中啓二,八尾恒良,藤田晃一,他.小腸二重造影法によるX線診断―クローン病の小腸微細病変.胃と腸 17 : 871-884, 1982
24)Esaki M, Matsumoto T, Hizawa K, et al. Intraoperative enteroscopy detects more lesions but is not predictive of postoperative recurrence in Crohn s disease. Surg Endosc 15 : 455-459, 2001
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26)May A, Nachbar L, Schneider M, et al. Push-and-pull enteroscopy using the double-balloon technique : method of assessing depth of insertion and training of the enteroscopy technique using the Erlangen EndoTrainer. Endoscopy 37 : 66-70, 2005





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