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今月の主題 胃癌化学療法の進歩と課題



著者: 才川義朗1 大谷吉秀1 久保田哲朗1 中村理恵子1 吉田昌1 熊井浩一郎1 北島政樹1

所属機関: 1慶應義塾大学医学部外科

ページ範囲:P.1027 - P.1030


要旨 症例は40歳男性で,腹部膨満・胃痛を訴え,精査にて腹水を伴う4型胃癌〔T2(SS)以上 N1M0H0P1,cStage IV〕と診断された.初回治療としてS-1/low dose cisplatin(TSLD)+放射線療法を施行し,さらに外来にて1cycle追加した.腹水消失,原発巣の改善,肝転移巣(S4)出現にてCPT-11/S-1外来投与に変更し,その後肝転移巣は消失した.治療開始11か月後,肝・腹膜転移巣の増悪なく,本人の希望にて根治切除(胃全摘,リンパ節郭清術)が行われた.術後合併症はなく早期に退院した.病理組織学的にpT3(SE)N0M0P0,pStage IIと診断された.現在治療開始1年5か月後,再発の徴候はない.


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3)才川義朗,久保田哲朗,北島政樹,他.胃癌肝転移に対するTS-1・Low-Dose CDDP併用療法の経験.癌と化学療法 29 : 1241-1245, 2002
4)Akatsu Y, Saikawa Y, Kubota T, et al. Clinical and pathological disappearance of peritoneal dissemination in a patient with advanced gastric cancer receiving chemotherapy with S-1 and lowdose cisplatin. Gastric Cancer 7 : 128-133, 2004
5)Yoshimizu N, Saikawa Y, Kubota T, et al. Complete response of a highly advanced gastric carcinoma to preoperative chemoradiotherapy with S-1 and low-dose cisplatin. Gastric Cancer 6 : 185-190, 2003
6)Takahashi T, Saikawa Y, Kubota T, et al. Histological treated by chemotherapy with S-1 plus low dose cisplatin and radiation. Jpn J Clin Oncol 33 : 584-588, 2003
7)Saikawa Y, Kubota T, Kitajima M, et al. Is Chemoradiation effective or harmful for stage VI gastric cancer patients? Oncol Rep 13 : 865-870, 2005
8)Maeda S, Saikawa Y, Kubota T, et al. No crossresistance of taxotere and taxol to conventional chemotherapeutic agents against gastric cancers as detected by MTT assay. Anticancer Res 23 : 3147-50, 2003
9)Maeda S, Sugiura T, Saikawa Y, et al. Docetaxel enhances the cytotoxicity of cisplatin to gastric cancer cells by modification of intracellurlar platium metabolism. Cancer Science 95 : 679-684, 2004
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13)Lowy AM, Feig BW, Janjan N, et al. A pilot study of preoperative chemoradiotherapy for resectable gastric cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 8 : 519-524, 2001
14)Roth AD, Allal AS, Brundler MA, et al. Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer : a phase I-II study. Ann Oncol 14 : 110-115, 2003
15)Ajani JA, Mansfield PF, Janjan N, et al. Multiinstitutional trial of preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with potentially resectable gastric carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 22 : 2774-2780, 2004
16)Klautke G, Foitzik T, Ludwig K, et al. Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Gastric Carcinoma. Strahlenther Onkol 180 : 695-700, 2004
17)Skoropad VY, Berdov BA, Zagrebin VM. Preoperative radiotherapy in combination with metronidazole for resectable gastric cancer : long-term results of a phase 2 study. Eur J Surg Oncol 29 : 166-170, 2003





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