特集 炎症性腸疾患 2013
主題 炎症性腸疾患の疫学・病因
1)Sartor RB. Microbial influences in inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology 134 : 577-594, 2008
2)Honda K, Taniguchi T. IRFs : master regulators of signalling by Toll-like receptors and cytosolic pattern-recognition receptors. Nat Rev Immunol 6 : 644-658, 2006
3)本田賢也.TLRは腸内細菌をどのように認識するのか.分子消化器病 7 : 219-225, 2010
4)Xiao H, Gulen MF, Qin J, et al. The Toll-interleukin-1 receptor member SIGIRR regulates colonic epithelial homeostasis, inflammation, and tumorigenesis. Immunity 26 : 461-475, 2007
5)Nenci A, Becker C, Wullaert A, et al. Epithelial NEMO links innate immunity to chronic intestinal inflammation. Nature 446 : 557-561, 2007
6)Strober W, Murray PJ, Kitani A, et al. Signalling pathways and molecular interactions of NOD1 and NOD2. Nat Rev Immunol 6 : 9-20, 2006
7)渡邉智裕,千葉勉.NOD2はIBDの発症にどのようにかかわるのか.分子消化器病 7 : 227-235, 2010
8)Mizushima N, Levine B, Cuervo AM, et al. Autophagy fights disease through cellular self-digestion. Nature 451 : 1069-1075, 2008
9)Travassos LH, Carneiro LA, Ramjeet M, et al. Nod1 and Nod2 direct autophagy by recruiting ATG16L1 to the plasma membrane at the site of bacterial entry. Nat Immunol 11 : 55-62, 2010
10)Kaser A, Zeissig S, Blumberg RS. Inflammatory bowel disease. Annu Rev Immunol 28 : 573-621, 2010
11)Steinman L. A brief history of T(H)17, the first major revision in the T(H)1/T(H)2 hypothesis of T cell-mediated tissue damage. Nat Med 13 : 139-145, 2007
12)Littman DR, Rudensky AY. Th17 and regulatory T cells in mediating and restraining inflammation. Cell 140 : 845-858, 2010
13)O'Connor W Jr, Kamanaka M, Booth CJ, et al. A protective function for interleukin 17A in T cell-mediated intestinal inflammation. Nat Immunol 10 : 603-609, 2009
14)Mizoguchi A, Mizoguchi E. Animal models of IBD : linkage to human disease. Curr Opi Pharmacol 10 : 578-587, 2010
15)Annunziato F, Cosmi L, Liotta F, et al. Defining the human T helper 17 cell phenotype. Trends immunol 33 : 505-512, 2012
16)Hovhannisyan Z, Treatman J, Littman DR, et al. Characterization of interleukin-17-producing regulatory T cells in inflamed intestinal mucosa from patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Gastroenterology 140 : 957-965, 2011
17)Spits H, Di Santo JP. The expanding family of innate lymphoid cells : regulators and effectors of immunity and tissue remodeling. Nat Immunol 12 : 21-27, 2011
18)Kobori A, Yagi Y, Imaeda H, et al. Interleukin-33 expression is specifically enhanced in inflamed mucosa of ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol 45 : 999-1007, 2010
19)Reinhardt C, Reigstad CS, Bäckhed F. Intestinal microbiota during infancy and its implications for obesity. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 48 : 249-256, 2009
20)Friswell MK, Gika H, Stratford IJ, et al. Site and strain-specific variation in gut microbiota profiles and metabolism in experimental mice. PLoS One 5 : e8584, 2010
21)Ley RE, Turnbaugh PJ, Klein S, et al. Microbial ecology : human gut microbes associated with obesity. Nature 444 : 1022-1023, 2006
22)Turnbaugh PJ, Hamady M, Yatsunenko T, et al. A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins. Nature 457 : 480-484, 2009
23)Shaw SY, Blanchard JF, Bernstein CN. Association between the use of antibiotics in the first year of life and pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol 105 : 2687-2692, 2010
24)Andoh A, Imaeda H, Aomatsu T, et al. Comparison of the fecal microbiota profiles between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. J Gastroenterol 46 : 479-486, 2011
25)Gophna U, Sommerfeld K, Gophna S, et al. Differences between tissue-associated intestinal microfloras of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. J Clin Microbiol 44 : 4136-4141, 2006
26)Qin J, Li R, Raes J, et al. A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Nature 464 : 59-65, 2010
27)Sokol H, Pigneur B, Watterlot L, et al. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is an anti-inflammatory commensal bacterium identified by gut microbiota analysis of Crohn disease patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105 : 16731-16736, 2008
28)Willing BP, Dicksved J, Halfvarson J, et al. A pyrosequencing study in twins shows that gastrointestinal microbial profiles vary with inflammatory bowel disease phenotypes. Gastroenterology 139 : 1844-1854, e1841, 2010
29)Sartor RB. Genetics and environmental interactions shape the intestinal microbiome to promote inflammatory bowel disease versus mucosal homeostasis. Gastroenterology 139 : 1816-1819, 2010
30)Png CW, Lindén SK, Gilshenan KS, et al. Mucolytic bacteria with increased prevalence in IBD mucosa augment in vitro utilization of mucin by other bacteria. Am J Gastroenterol 105 : 2420-2428, 2010
31)Atarashi K, Tanoue T, Shima T, et al. Induction of colonic regulatory T cells by indigenous Clostridium species. Science 331 : 337-341, 2011