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今月の主題 胃の腺腫─診断と治療方針 主題


著者: 長浜孝1 小島俊樹2 八尾建史2 藤原昌子2 久部高司1 高木靖寛1 平井郁仁1 松井敏幸1 今村健太郎3 田邊寛3 岩下明德3 金坂卓4

所属機関: 1福岡大学筑紫病院消化器内科 2福岡大学筑紫病院内視鏡部 3福岡大学筑紫病院病理部 4大阪府立成人病センター消化管内科

ページ範囲:P.1815 - P.1826

要旨 目的:表面隆起型上皮性腫瘍について腺腫と癌の鑑別診断における狭帯域光観察併用拡大内視鏡(M-NBI)の有用性と問題点を検討した.対象と方法:表面隆起型上皮性腫瘍147病変(軽度〜中等度異型腺腫(LGA)群48病変,胃癌・高度異型腺腫(EC)群99病変)を対象に組み入れた.熟練者,非熟練者による通常内視鏡(C-WLI)とM-NBIの診断能を求めた.成績:熟練者と非熟練者によるVS classification systemを用いたM-NBIの診断能は,両者とも,感度,正診率がC-WLIより高かった.しかし,非熟練者においては,特異度(84.8% vs 70.8%)がC-WLIより低い傾向を示し,特に低確信度群においては37.5%と極端に特異度が低かった.M-NBI低確信度群にVS discordance,vessels within epithelial circle pattern(VEC pattern),dense-type crypt opening(dense-CO)を加えると特に特異度の向上を認めた.結語:VSCSを用いたM-NBIは熟練者・非熟練者においてもC-WLIと比較して癌と腺腫の鑑別診断に有用であった.VS discordance,VEC pattern,dense-COは非熟練者の特異度の向上に有用であった.


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2)浜田勉,近藤健司,下屋正則,他.胃扁平隆起性病変の臨床的対応─生検とEMR標本の診断を対比して.胃と腸 34 : 1513-1520, 1999
3)星原芳雄,山本敬,橋本光代,他.早期胃癌診断の実際─隆起性病変 : 内視鏡所見.胃と腸 35 : 57-64, 2000
4)竹村聡,岩下明徳,八尾建史,他.胃隆起型上皮性腫瘍の血管密度と内視鏡的色調.日本内視鏡学会雑誌 44 : 745-754, 2002
5)中原慶太,渡辺靖友,田宮芳孝,他.早期胃癌の肉眼型─決め方・考え方とその典型像 : 1)0-I型,0-IIa型.胃と腸 44 : 507-521, 2009
6)Yao K, Oishi T, Matui T, et al. Novel magnified endoscopic findings of microvascular architecture in intramucosal gastric cancer. Gastrointest Endoscopy 56 : 279-284, 2002
7)Yao K, Anagnostopoulos GK, Ragunath K. Magnifying endoscopy for diagnosing and delineating early gastric cancer. Endoscopy 41 : 462-467, 2009
8)Ezoe Y, Muto M, Uedo N, et al. Magnifying Narrowband Imaging Is More Accurate than Conventional White-Light Imaging in Diagnosis of Gastric Mucosal Cancer. Gastroenterology 141 : 2017-2025, 2011
9)Fujiwara S, Yao K, Nagahama T, et al. Can we accurately diagnose minute gastric cancers(≦5mm)? chromoendoscopy(CE)vs magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging(M-NBI). 2014 Jul 9.[Epub ahead of print]
10)Nagahama T, Yao K, Maki S, et al. Usefulness of magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging for determining the horizontal extent of early gastric cancer when there is an unclear margins by chromoendoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 74 : 1259-1267, 2011
11)Maki S, Yao K, Nagahama T. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging is useful in the differential diagnosis between low-grade adenoma and early cancer of superficial elevated gastric lesions. Gastric Cancer 16 : 140-146, 2013
12)Miwa K, Doyama H, Ito R, et al. Can magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging be useful for low grade adenomas in preoperative biopsy specimens ? Gastric Cancer 15 : 170-178, 2011
13)Tsuji Y, Ohata K, Sekiguchi M, et al. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging helps determine the management of gastric adenomas. Gastric Cancer 15 : 414-418, 2012
14)Yao K. How is the VS(vessel plus surface)classification system applicable to magnifying narrow-band imaging examinations of gastric neoplasias initially diagnosed as low-grade adenomas ? Gastric Cancer 15 : 118-120, 2012.
16)Kanemitsu T, Yao K, Nagahama T, et al. The vessels within epithelial circle(VEC)pattern as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging(ME-NBI)is a useful marker for the diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma : a case-controlled study. Gastric Cancer 17 : 469-477, 2014
17)Kanesaka T, Dekikawa A, Tsumura T, et al. Dense-type crypt opening seen on magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging is a feature of gastric adenoma. Dig Endosc 26 : 57-62, 2013





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