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今月の主題 大腸鋸歯状病変の取り扱い



著者: 山本英一郎12 山野泰穂3 田中義人3 青木敬則2 原田拓4 木村友昭5 菅井有6 鈴木拓2

所属機関: 1札幌医科大学消化器・免疫・リウマチ内科学講座 2札幌医科大学分子生物学講座 3秋田赤十字病院消化器病センター 4手稲渓仁会病院消化器病センター 5迫田病院大腸肛門センター 6岩手医科大学医学部病理診断学講座

ページ範囲:P.1649 - P.1656




1)木村友昭,山野泰穂,菅井有,他.大腸鋸歯状病変の内視鏡診断─pit pattern所見を中心に.胃と腸 46:418-426, 2011
2)Cancer Genome Atlas N. Comprehensive molecular characterization of human colon and rectal cancer. Nature 487:330-337, 2012
3)Kimura T, Yamamoto E, Yamano HO, et al. A novel pit pattern identifies the precursor of colorectal cancer derived from sessile serrated adenoma. Am J Gastroenterol 107:460-469, 2012
4)Tahara T, Yamamoto E, Madireddi P, et al. Colorectal carcinomas with CpG island methylator phenotype 1 frequently contain mutations in chromatin regulators. Gastroenterology 146:530-538 e5, 2014
5)Turcan S, Rohle D, Goenka A, et al. IDH1 mutation is sufficient to establish the glioma hypermethylator phenotype. Nature 483:479-483, 2012
6)Fang M, Ou J, Hutchinson L, et al. The BRAF oncoprotein functions through the transcriptional repressor MAFG to mediate the CpG Island Methylator phenotype. Mol Cell 55:904-915, 2014
7)JE IJ, Vermeulen L, Meijer GA, et al. Serrated neoplasia-role in colorectal carcinogenesis and clinical implications. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 12:401-409, 2015
8)Bettington ML, Walker NI, Rosty C, et al. A clinicopathological and molecular analysis of 200 traditional serrated adenomas. Mod Pathol 28:414-427, 2015
9)Wiland HO 4th, Shadrach B, Allende D, et al. Morphologic and molecular characterization of traditional serrated adenomas of the distal colon and rectum. Am J Surg Pathol 38:1290-1297, 2014
10)Phipps AI, Limburg PJ, Baron JA, et al. Association between molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer and patient survival. Gastroenterology 148:77-87 e2, 2015
11)Lochhead P, Kuchiba A, Imamura Y, et al. Microsatellite instability and BRAF mutation testing in colorectal cancer prognostication. J Natl Cancer Inst 105:1151-1156, 2013
12)Sugai T, Yamamoto E, Kimura T, et al. Clinico-pathological findings and molecular alterations of colorectal serrated lesion. 日消誌 112:661-668, 2015
13)Qazi TM, O'Brien MJ, Farraye FA, et al. Epidemiology of goblet cell and microvesicular hyperplastic polyps. Am J Gastroenterol 109:1922-1932, 2014
14)Yamamoto E, Suzuki H, Yamano HO, et al. Molecular dissection of premalignant colorectal lesions reveals early onset of the CpG island methylator phenotype. Am J Pathol 181:1847-1861, 2012





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