今月の主題 肉芽腫を形成する消化管病変
1)岩下明德,山田豊,喜多村邦弘,他.病理診断.胃と腸 32:365-376, 1997
2)池田圭祐,岩下明德.大腸炎症性疾患の病理診断─肉芽腫の鑑別を中心に.病理と臨 26:795-802,2008
3)Sura R, Colombel JF, Van Kruiningen HJ. Lymphatics, tertiary lymphoid organs and the granulomas of Crohn's disease:an immunohistochemical study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 33:930-939, 2011
4)Nagi M, Takemura T, Guzman J, et al. Localization of Propionibacterium acnes in granulomas supports a possible etiologic link between sarcoidosis and the bacterium. Mod Pathol 25:1284-1297, 2012
5)東俊太朗,西山仁,峯彩子,他.非腫瘍性疾患─サルコイドーシス.胃と腸 50:792-794, 2015
6)中島寛隆,長浜隆司,大倉康男,他.Helicobacter pylori除菌療法で軽快した特発性肉芽腫性胃炎.胃と腸 41:1313-1320, 2006
7)Sandmeier D, Bouzourene H. Does idiopathic granulomatous gastritis exist? Histopathology 46:352-353, 2005
8)Morson BC. Colour atlas of gastrointestinal pathology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p277, 1988
9)Mizushima T, Ito T, Mizuno H, et al. Idiopathic granulomatous appendicitis treated surgically with long-term follow-up:report of a case. Surg Today 37:690-693, 2007
10)檜沢一興,平橋美奈子,山元英崇,他.多数の肉芽腫を伴い多結節状粘膜下腫瘍の形態を呈した回盲部慢性憩室炎の1例.胃と腸 40:839-845, 2005
11)Väyrynen JP, Sajanti SA, Klintrup K, et al. Characteristics and significance of colorectal cancer associated lymphoid reaction. Int J Cancer 134:2126-2135, 2014
12)Bhargava DK, Kushwaha AK, Dasarathy S, et al. Endoscopic diagnosis of segmental colonic tuberculosis. Gastrointest Endosc 38:571-574, 1992
13)赤松泰次,宮林秀晴,藤森一也,他.腸結核における遺伝子診断の有用性と問題点─病理組織学的所見および結核菌培養との比較.胃と腸 30:525-531, 1995
14)Sekine K, Nagata N, Shindo T, et al. Combined identifying granuloma and biopsy culture is useful for diagnosing intestinal tuberculosis. Int J Colorectal Dis 30:939-945, 2015
15)Lamps LW, Madhusudhan KT, Greenson JK, et al. The role of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in granulomatous appendicitis:a histologic and molecular study. Am J Surg Pathol 25:508-515, 2001
16)矢野祐二,青柳邦彦,八尾隆史,他.回腸終末部から右側結腸にかけて病変がみられた腸チフスの1例.胃と腸 32:999-1005, 1997
17)小嶋伸夫,富永雅也,岡部信彦,他.大腸に多発潰瘍を認めた腸チフスの1例.胃と腸 27:1451-1456, 1992
18)Yantiss RK, Odze RD. Diagnostic difficulties in inflammatory bowel disease pathology. Histopathology 48:116-132, 2006
19)池田圭祐,岩下明德,原岡誠司,他.非定型的炎症性腸疾患の病理学的鑑別診断─肉芽腫の鑑別を中心に.胃と腸 41:901-911, 2006
20)Makino M, Kawaguchi K, Shimojo H, et al. Extensive lanthanum deposition in the gastric mucosa:the first histopathological report. Pathol Int 65:33-37, 2015
21)Haratake J, Yasunaga C, Ootani A, et al. Peculiar histiocytic lesions with massive lanthanum deposition in dialysis patients treated with lanthanum carbonate. Am J Surg Pathol 39:767-771, 2015
22)Gagliardi G, Thompson IW, Hershman MJ, et al. Pneumatosis coli:a proposed pathogenesis based on study of 25 cases and review of the literature. Int J Colorectal Dis 11:111-118, 1996
23)松本主之,江崎幹宏,中村昌太郎,他.免疫異常状態における消化管炎症性病変の臨床像と画像診断.胃と腸 40:1135-1145, 2005
24)Marciano BE, Rosenzweig SD, Kleiner DE, et al. Gastrointestinal involvement in chronic granulomatous disease. Pediatrics 114:462-468, 2004
25)大泉弘子,鈴木岳,斎藤雅雄,他.大腸マラコプラキアの1例.胃と腸 33:97-102, 1998